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Provisions on the Work of Enterprise Trade Unions (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
企业工会工作条例(试行) [现行有效]
Provisions on the Work of Enterprise Trade Unions (for Trial Implementation)
(Deliberated and adopted at the ninth plenary presidium meeting of the 14th Executive Committee of All-China Federation of Trade Unions on July 6, 2006)


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening and improving the work on enterprise trade unions and bringing into play the import role of enterprise trade unions in uniting and organizing the employees, maintaining the rights and interests of employees and promoting the enterprise development, these Provisions are formulated according to the Trade Union Law, the Labor Law and the Articles of Association of China Trade Union.
   第一条 为加强和改进企业工会工作,发挥企业工会团结组织职工、维护职工权益、促进企业发展的重要作用,根据《工会法》、《劳动法》和《中国工会章程》,制定本条例。
Article 2 Enterprise trade unions are the grass-roots organizations of All-China Federation of Trade Unions, important organizational and work foundations of trade unions as well as the representatives and advocators of lawful rights and interests of trade union members and employees of the enterprises.
   第二条 企业工会是中华全国总工会的基层组织,是工会的重要组织基础和工作基础,是企业工会会员和职工合法权益的代表者和维护者。
Article 3 The enterprise trade unions shall be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thoughts of “Three Represents”, implement the scientific view of development, insist on the basic guideline of relying on the working class whole-heartedly, take the socialist trade union development road with Chinese characteristics, fulfill the work policies of “forming the organization and effectively safeguarding rights”, unite and mobilize the employees to make contributions for the great goal of comprehensively building a well-off society.
   第三条 企业工会以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,贯彻科学发展观,坚持全心全意依靠工人阶级根本指导方针,走中国特色社会主义工会发展道路,落实“组织起来、切实维权”的工作方针,团结和动员职工为实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标作贡献。
Article 4 The enterprise trade unions shall focus on the production and business operation of enterprises, legally fulfill the basic responsibilities of maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of employees, coordinate the enterprise labor relationship, push the construction of harmonious enterprises, and promote the healthy development of enterprises.
   第四条 企业工会围绕企业生产经营,依法履行维护职工合法权益的基本职责,协调企业劳动关系,推动建设和谐企业,促进企业健康发展。
Article 5 The enterprise trade unions shall, under the leadership of the CPC organization of their respective enterprises and the superior trade union, independently carry out the work according to the laws and their own articles of association, closely contact the employees, be concerned about the production and life of employees, be dedicated to serving the employees, and try to become a staff home with sound organization, effective maintenance of rights, active work, evident impacts and reliability.
   第五条 企业工会在本企业党组织和上级工会的领导下,依照法律和工会章程独立自主地开展工作,密切联系职工群众,关心职工群众生产生活,热忱为职工群众服务,努力建设成为组织健全、维权到位、工作活跃、作用明显、职工信赖的职工之家。
Chapter II Organizations of Enterprise Trade Unions

第二章 企业工会组织

Article 6 The enterprise trade union shall organize the employees to participate in the trade union and maintain the rights of employees to participate in the trade union.
   第六条 企业工会依法组织职工加入工会,维护职工参加工会的权利。
Article 7 An enterprise with 25 or more trade union members shall establish a trade union committee. And an enterprise with less than 25 trade union members may separately establish a trade union committee, or may jointly establish a grass-roots trade union committee with such similar enterprises according to the region or industry. And the trade union fund examination committee and the trade union female employee committee shall be established simultaneously according to the relevant provisions.
If an enterprise trade union meets the requirements for legal persons, it can obtain the legal person qualification of social groups, and the trade union chairman shall be the legal representative.
Enterprise trade unions shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may cancel any trade union working body or incorporate it into any other department.
An enterprise shall, at the time of restructuring, simultaneously establish and improve the trade union organization.
   第七条 会员二十五人以上的企业建立工会委员会;不足二十五人的可以单独建立工会委员会,也可以由两个以上企业的会员按地域或行业联合建立基层工会委员会。同时按有关规定建立工会经费审查委员会、工会女职工委员会。
Article 8 The general member assembly or representative member assembly is the power agency of enterprise trade union, and shall be convened once or twice every year. A temporary member assembly may be convened upon proposal of the enterprise trade union committee or 1/3 or more members.
The representatives of representative member assembly shall be produced through the democratic election of members, and the member representatives shall be permanent, and their tenure shall be the same as that of the current trade union committee, and they may be reelected and serve another term.
An enterprise trade union with less than 100 members shall convene the general member assembly.
   第八条 会员大会或会员代表大会是企业工会的权力机关,每年召开一至两次会议。经企业工会委员会或三分之一以上会员提议可临时召开会议。
Article 9 The general member assembly or representative member assembly shall have the following authorities:
   第九条 会员大会或会员代表大会的职权:
(1) deliberating and ratifying the work reports of the trade union committee;
(2) deliberating and ratifying the reports of the trade union committee on the incomes and expenses of funds as well as the work reports of the fund examination committee;
(3) electing the trade union committee and the fund examination committee;
(4) heeding the work reports of the trade union chairman and the vice trade union chairman, and carrying out democratic appraisal;
(5) changing or dismissing the representatives it has elected or the members of the trade union committee; and
(6) discussing and deciding other major problems with regard to the trade union work.
Article 10 The general member assembly or representative member assembly shall separately exercise authorities from the representative employee assembly or general employee assembly, and the two are not interchangeable.
   第十条 会员大会或会员代表大会与职工代表大会或职工大会须分别行使职权,不得相互替代。
Article 11 The enterprise trade union committee shall be elected by the margin election of the general member assembly or representative member assembly, and the election results shall be reported to the superior trade union for approval, and each tenure of trade union committee shall be three or five years.
A large-sized enterprise trade union may establish a standing committee upon approval of the superior trade union, and the standing committee shall be responsible for the daily work of the trade union committee, and any entity thereunder may establish its own trade union committee.
   第十一条 企业工会委员会由会员大会或会员代表大会差额选举产生,选举结果报上一级工会批准,每届任期三年或者五年。
Article 12 The enterprise trade union committee is the permanent body of the general member assembly or representative member assembly, and shall be responsible for the general member assembly or representative member assembly, and shall be subject to the supervision of its members; and shall be responsible for the daily work when the general member assembly or representative member assembly is not in session.
   第十二条 企业工会委员会是会员大会或会员代表大会的常设机构,对会员大会或会员代表大会负责,接受会员监督。在会员大会或会员代表大会闭会期间,负责日常工作。
Article 13 The enterprise trade union committee shall, according to the work requirements, establish relevant working bodies or special working committees and groups.
The number of full-time trade union staff members shall generally be not lower than 0.3% of the number of employees of an enterprise, and the specific number shall be determined upon negotiations of the superior trade union, the enterprise trade union and the enterprise's management personnel.
If the work requires and the funds permit, the trade union may hire its staff members from the general public, and establish a cadre team of both full-time and part-time staff members.
   第十三条 企业工会委员会根据工作需要,设立相关工作机构或专门工作委员会、工作小组。
Article 14 The democratic centralism shall be implemented for the enterprise trade union committee, and the important issues shall be decided upon collective discussions.
   第十四条 企业工会委员会实行民主集中制,重要问题须经集体讨论作出决定。
Article 15 The enterprise trade union (standing) committee shall generally hold a meeting every quarter to discuss or decide the following issues:
   第十五条 企业工会委员(常委)会一般每季度召开一次会议,讨论或决定以下问题:
(1) implementing the resolutions of the general member assembly or representative member assembly as well as the relevant decisions and work arrangement measures of the CPC organization and the superior trade union;
(2) submitting work reports to the general member assembly or representative member assembly, putting forward important requests for instructions and making reports to the CPC organizations and the superior trade union;
(3) making work plans and summary reports;
(4) putting forward suggestions to the enterprise for such important issues as the enterprise development and the rights and interests of employees;
(5) reporting the conditions about implementing the trade union fund budget and the important financial expenditures; and
(6) other issues that should be discussed and decided by the trade union committee.
Article 16 The production workshop or team of an enterprise may establish a trade union branch or team, and its chairman or director shall be produced through democratic election of its members, and shall be responsible for organizing labor union activities.
   第十六条 企业生产车间、班组建立工会分会、工会小组,会员民主选举工会主席、工会小组长,组织开展工会活动。
Article 17 A team of trade union activists shall be established so as to bring the role of trade union activists into full play.
   第十七条 建立工会积极分子队伍,发挥工会积极分子作用。
Chapter III Basic Tasks and Methods of Activities

第三章 基本任务和活动方式

Article 18 The enterprise trade union shall assume the following basic tasks:
   第十八条 企业工会的基本任务:
(1) implementing the resolutions of general member assembly or representative member assembly as well as the decisions of the superior trade union;
(2) organizing the employees to participate in enterprise democratic management and democratic supervision through the general employee assembly or representative employee assembly or other forms, and inspecting and supervising the implementation of the resolutions made at the general employee assembly or representative employee assembly;
(3) helping and guiding the employees to conclude labor contracts with the enterprise, and carrying out equal consultations and concluding the collective contract with the enterprise in regard to the labor remunerations, working hours, labor quota, rest and vacations, labor safety and health, and insurance and welfare, etc., supervising the performance of the collective contract, and conciliating labor disputes;
(4) organizing the employees to carry out labor contests, put forward rational proposals, conduct technical innovations, tackle technical problems, and carry out technical cooperation, inventions, job trainings, technical competitions and other popular economic and technical innovations;
(5) organizing the training, appraisal and praise of model workers, and taking charge of the daily management of model workers;
(6) carrying out ideological and political education of employees, organizing the employees to learn cultural, scientific and professional knowledge, enhancing the quality of employees, doing a good job in the causes of culture, education and sports for the employees, and conducting healthy cultural and sports activities;
(7) cooperating with and supervising the enterprise to do a good job in the labor remunerations, labor safety and hygiene, insurance and welfare, etc., supervising the implementation of relevant laws and regulations, participating in the investigation and treatment of labor safety and hygiene accidents, assisting the enterprise to do a good job in the collective welfare cause of employees, doing a good job in support of the employees in difficulty, doing practical and good matters and doing something to resolve tough issues for employees;
(8) maintaining the special interests of female employees;
(9) strengthening the organizational construction, improving the democratic life and doing a good job in the work relating to the membership management of employees; and
(10) doing a good job in collection, management and use of trade union funds, as well as the management of trade union assets and enterprises (public institutions) affiliated to the trade union.
Article 19 The enterprise trade union shall adhere to the massification, democratization and opening of trade union affairs. Any important matter involving the interests of members shall be discussed and decided by the general member assembly or representative member assembly; and the work plans, important activities and the incomes and expenditures of funds shall be subject to the supervision of employees.
   第十九条 坚持群众化、民主化,实行会务公开。凡涉及会员群众利益的重要事项,须经会员大会或会员代表大会讨论决定;工作计划、重大活动、经费收支等情况接受会员监督。
Article 20 Diverse forms of trade union activities shall be carried out according to the willingness of trade union members and enterprise employees and by relying on trade union members and enterprise employees.
   第二十条 按照会员和职工群众的意愿,依靠会员和职工群众,开展形式多样的工会活动。
Article 21 In case the production time needs to be occupied for the trade union to hold a meeting or organize activities for the employees, the trade union shall solicit the consent from the enterprise in advance.
   第二十一条 工会召开会议或者组织职工活动,需要占用生产时间的,应当事先征得企业的同意。

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