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Regulation on the Administration of Futures Trading [Revised]
期货交易管理条例 [已被修订]
Order of the State Council
(No. 489)
The Regulation on the Administration of Futures Trading, which was adopted at the 168th executive meeting of the State Council on February 7, 2007, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of April 15, 2007.
Premier Wen Jiabao
March 6, 2007
Regulation on the Administration of Futures Trading


总理 温家宝
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总 则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated for the purposes of regulating futures trading, intensifying the supervision and administration over futures trading, maintaining the futures market order, preventing risks, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all parties to futures trading as well as the public interests, and promoting the vigorous but stable development of the futures market.
   第一条 为了规范期货交易行为,加强对期货交易的监督管理,维护期货市场秩序,防范风险,保护期货交易各方的合法权益和社会公共利益,促进期货市场积极稳妥发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 All entities and individuals engaging in futures trading, including the trading based on commodities contracts, financial futures and options contracts, and other relevant activities, shall abide by this Regulation.
   第二条 任何单位和个人从事期货交易,包括商品和金融期货合约、期权合约交易及其相关活动,应当遵守本条例。
Article 3 The principle of openness, fairness, impartiality and good faith shall be observed in the futures trading activities. It is prohibited to conduct violations such as fraud, inside transactions and manipulated futures trading prices.
   第三条 从事期货交易活动,应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。禁止欺诈、内幕交易和操纵期货交易价格等违法行为。
Article 4 The futures trading shall be carried out in the futures exchanges established in accordance with the law or in other trading places as approved by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
It is prohibited to carry out futures trading in any place other than those as approved by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council and it is prohibited to carry out futures trading in any disguised form.
   第四条 期货交易应当在依法设立的期货交易所或者国务院期货监督管理机构批准的其他交易场所进行。
Article 5 The futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall supervise and administer the futures markets in a centralized manner.
The offices dispatched by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall perform their supervisory functions according to the relevant provisions of this Regulation and under the authorization of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
   第五条 国务院期货监督管理机构对期货市场实行集中统一的监督管理。
Chapter II Futures Exchange

第二章 期货交易所   

Article 6 The establishment of a futures exchange shall be subject to the examination and approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
Without approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council, no entity or individual may set up any futures exchange or organize any futures trading and other relevant activities in any form.
   第六条 设立期货交易所,由国务院期货监督管理机构审批。
Article 7 A futures exchange shall not take profit-making as its purpose. It shall conduct self-disciplinary management according to its Articles of association. It shall bear civil liabilities to the extent of all of its properties. Its person-in-charge shall be appointed and dismissed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
The administrative measures for futures exchanges shall be formulated by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
   第七条 期货交易所不以营利为目的,按照其章程的规定实行自律管理。期货交易所以其全部财产承担民事责任。期货交易所的负责人由国务院期货监督管理机构任免。
Article 8 The members of a futures exchange shall be enterprises with legal person status or other economic organizations established and registered within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
A futures exchange may adopt a graded member clearing system. The members under the graded member clearing system comprise of clearing members and non-clearing members.
The clearing business qualifications of a clearing member shall be subject to the approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council. The futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall make a decision of approval or disapproval within 3 months after it accepts an application for the clearing business qualifications.
   第八条 期货交易所会员应当是在中华人民共和国境内登记注册的企业法人或者其他经济组织。
Article 9 Anyone who is under any of the circumstances as described in Article 147 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China or under any of the following circumstances shall not assume the post of the person-in-charge or accountant of the futures exchange:
   第九条 有《中华人民共和国公司法》第一百四十七条规定的情形或者下列情形之一的,不得担任期货交易所的负责人、财务会计人员:
(1)Five years have not lapsed from the day when the person-in-charge of a futures exchange, stock exchange or securities register & clearing institution, or the director, supervisor or senior manager of a futures company or securities company, or any other person as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution, is removed from his post because of his violation of disciplines; or
(2) Five years have not lapsed from the day when a lawyer, certified public accountant, or professional of an investment consultation institution, financial consultancy institution, credit rating institution, asset appraisal institution or verification institution, is removed from post because of his violation of disciplines.
Article 10 A futures exchange shall, in pursuance of this Regulation and the provisions of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council, formulate and improve various rules and strengthen the control of risks of trading activities as well as the supervision and administration over its members and staff. It shall perform the following duties:
   第十条 期货交易所应当依照本条例和国务院期货监督管理机构的规定,建立、健全各项规章制度,加强对交易活动的风险控制和对会员以及交易所工作人员的监督管理。期货交易所履行下列职责:
(1)To provide a trading place and relevant facilities and services;
(2)To design contracts and arrange the listing of contracts;
(3)To organize and supervise the transactions, clearing and delivery;
(4)To ensure the fulfillment of contracts;
(5)To supervise and administer its members according to its Articles of association and trading rules; and
(6)Other duties as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
No futures exchange may directly or indirectly participate in futures transactions. No futures exchange may, without passing the examination of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council and being approved by the State Council, make trust investments, stock investments, investments in non-self-use real property or engage in any other business irrelevant to its duties.
Article 11 A futures exchange shall, under the relevant provisions of the State, establish sound systems for the management of risks:
   第十一条 期货交易所应当按照国家有关规定建立、健全下列风险管理制度:
(1)The margin system;
(2)The mark-to-market system;
(3)The system of price limits;
(4)The system of position limits as well as reports of big position holders;
(5)The rules on the reserve for risks;
(6)Other risk management systems as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
A futures exchange which adopts the graded member clearing system shall establish a sound system of security.
Article 12 At the occurrence of any abnormal circumstance in the futures market, the futures exchange shall, according to the power and procedures as prescribed in its Articles of association, decide to take the following urgent measures and shall immediately report it to the futures regulatory institution of the State Council:
   第十二条 当期货市场出现异常情况时,期货交易所可以按照其章程规定的权限和程序,决定采取下列紧急措施,并应当立即报告国务院期货监督管理机构:
(1)To uplift the margin;
(2)To adjust the price limits;
(3)To limit the maximum amount of futures held by its members or clients;
(4)To suspend the transactions;
(5)To take other urgent measures.
The term “abnormal circumstance” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the acts of manipulating the futures trading prices or the occurrence of emergencies due for any force majeure and other circumstances as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
After the disappearance of an abnormal circumstance, the futures exchange shall timely cancel the urgent measures.
Article 13 To handle the following affairs, a futures exchange shall be subject to the approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council:
   第十三条 期货交易所办理下列事项,应当经国务院期货监督管理机构批准:
(1)The formulation of or modification to its Articles of association or trading rules;
(2)The listing, suspension, cancellation or resumption of any type of transaction;
(3)The listing, modification or termination of any contract;
(4)The change of its domicile or business place;
(5)The merger, split-up or dissolution;
(6)Other affairs as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
To approve the listing of new transaction type in a futures exchange, the futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall consult the opinions of the relevant department of the State Council
Article 14 The revenues of a futures exchange shall be managed and used in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, but shall first be utilized to ensure the operation and improvement of the futures exchange and the facilities thereof.
   第十四条 期货交易所的所得收益按照国家有关规定管理和使用,但应当首先用于保证期货交易场所、设施的运行和改善。
Chapter III Futures Companies

第三章 期货公司  

Article 15 A futures company refers to a financial institution which is established according to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and this Regulation and which engages in the business of futures. The establishment of a futures company shall be subject to the approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council and shall be registered in the company registration organ.
Without approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council, no entity or individual may establish any futures company to engage in the business of futures, or do so in any disguised form.
   第十五条 期货公司是依照《中华人民共和国公司法》和本条例规定设立的经营期货业务的金融机构。设立期货公司,应当经国务院期货监督管理机构批准,并在公司登记机关登记注册。
Article 16 To apply for establishing a futures company, the applicant shall satisfy the requirements in the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the following conditions:
   第十六条 申请设立期货公司,应当符合《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定,并具备下列条件:
(1)Its minimum registered capital shall be 30 million yuan;
(2)Its directors, supervisors and senior managers have obtained the qualifications for assuming their posts and its employees have obtained the futures practicing qualifications;
(3)It has its Articles of association which conform to the laws and administrative regulations;
(4)Its main shareholders and actual controllers have a sustainable profit-making capacity and a good reputation, and none of them has any record of serious violation during the recent 3 years;
(5)It has a qualified business place and operation facilities;
(6)It has sound risk management and internal control systems;
(7)Other conditions as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
The futures regulatory institution of the State Council may, according to the principle of prudent supervision and the degree of risks of various businesses, increase the minimum amount of the registered capital. The registered capital shall be actually paid-in capital. The shareholders shall make capital contributions in cash or in kind essential to the business operations of a futures company and the capital contributions in cash shall not be less than 85% of the total.
The futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall, within 6 months after it accepts an application for the establishment of a futures company, examine it according to the principle of prudent supervision, and make a decision of approval or disapproval.
Without approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council, no entity or individual may entrust any other person or accept any other person's entrustment to hold or manage the stock rights of any futures company.
Article 17 A futures company shall be subject to the licensing system. The futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall grant it a permit according to the business type such as commodity futures and financial futures. Besides the domestic futures brokerage, a futures company may apply for engaging in overseas futures brokerage, futures investment consultation and other futures businesses as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
No futures company may engage in any activity which has nothing to do with the business of futures, unless it is otherwise provided for by any law, administrative regulation, or by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
No futures company may engage in any self-operation business of futures or do so in any disguised form.
No futures company may provide financing service to its shareholders, actual controllers or other affiliated parties, or provide guaranty to outsiders.
   第十七条 期货公司业务实行许可制度,由国务院期货监督管理机构按照其商品期货、金融期货业务种类颁发许可证。期货公司除申请经营境内期货经纪业务外,还可以申请经营境外期货经纪、期货投资咨询以及国务院期货监督管理机构规定的其他期货业务。
Article 18 For a futures company engaging in brokerage business, if it accepts the entrustment of any client and conducts, in its own name, any futures transaction for its client, the transaction results shall belong to the client.
   第十八条 期货公司从事经纪业务,接受客户委托,以自己的名义为客户进行期货交易,交易结果由客户承担。
Article 19 Where a futures company intends to handle the following affairs, it shall be subject to the approval of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council:
   第十九条 期货公司办理下列事项,应当经国务院期货监督管理机构批准:
(1)The merger, split-up, suspension of business, dissolution or bankruptcy;
(2)The change of its company form;
(3)The change of its business scope;
(4)The change of its registered capital;
(5)The change of 5% or more of its stock rights;
(6)The establishment, acquisition, taking shares, or termination of any overseas futures institution; or
(7) Other affairs as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
The affairs as mentioned in Items (4) and (7) of the preceding paragraph, the futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall, within 20 days after it accepts an application, make a decision of approval or disapproval. For other affairs as described in the preceding paragraph, the futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall, within 2 months after it accepts an application, make a decision of approval or disapproval.
Article 20 Where a futures company intends to handle any of the following affairs, it shall be subject to the approval of the office dispatched by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council:
   第二十条 期货公司办理下列事项,应当经国务院期货监督管理机构派出机构批准:
(1)To change its legal representative;
(2)To change its domicile or business place;
(3)To establish or terminates branch within China;
(4)To change the business place, person-in-charge or business scope of any branch within China; or
(5)Other affairs as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
The affairs as mentioned in Items (1), (2), (4) and (5) of the preceding paragraph, the office dispatched by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall, within 20 days after it accepts an application, make a decision of approval or disapproval. For the affairs as described Item (3) in the preceding paragraph, the office dispatched by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall, within 2 months after it accepts an application, make a decision of approval or disapproval.
Article 21 Where a futures company or any of its branches is under any of the circumstances as described in Article 70 of the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China or under any of the following circumstances, the futures regulatory institution of the State Council shall cancel its futures business permit:
   第二十一条 期货公司或者其分支机构有《中华人民共和国行政许可法》第七十条规定的情形或者下列情形之一的,国务院期货监督管理机构应当依法办理期货业务许可证注销手续:
(1)Its business license is cancelled by the company registration organ;
(2)Without any justifiable reason, it fails to start business operations after the lapse of 3 months as of its establishment or suspends its business operations for 3 consecutive months or longer;
(3)Its files a cancellation application on its own initiative; and
(4)Other circumstances as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
Before a futures company cancels its futures business permit, it shall settle the relevant futures businesses and return the margin and other assets to its clients in pursuance of the law. Any branch of the futures company shall, prior to the cancellation of the business permit, terminate its business activities and shall properly settle the clients' assets.
Article 22 A futures company shall formulate sound business management rules and risk management rules and strictly implement them. It shall abide by the information disclosure rules, ensure the safe custody of the clients' margin, and under the provisions of the futures exchange, report to the futures exchange the name list of its big clients and the relevant transactions.
   第二十二条 期货公司应当建立、健全并严格执行业务管理规则、风险管理制度,遵守信息披露制度,保障客户保证金的存管安全,按照期货交易所的规定,向期货交易所报告大户名单、交易情况。
Article 23 Other futures institutions engaging in futures investment consultation services and providing intermediary services for futures companies shall obtain the practicing qualifications as approved by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council. The concrete administrative measures shall be formulated by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
   第二十三条 从事期货投资咨询以及为期货公司提供中间介绍等业务的其他期货经营机构,应当取得国务院期货监督管理机构批准的业务资格,具体管理办法由国务院期货监督管理机构制定。   
Chapter IV Basic Rules on Futures Trading

第四章 期货交易基本规则

Article 24 The parties conducting futures trading in a futures exchange shall be members of the futures exchange.
   第二十四条 在期货交易所进行期货交易的,应当是期货交易所会员。
Article 25 A futures company which accepts a client's entrustment to trade futures on his account shall provide the client in advance with a risk disclosure statement, and after the client has confirmed this with his signature, it shall sign a written contract with the client. No futures company may conduct futures trading without client's entrustment or without following the client's entrustment.
No futures company may make any promise of profits to its clients or agree on sharing profits or risks with its clients.
   第二十五条 期货公司接受客户委托为其进行期货交易,应当事先向客户出示风险说明书,经客户签字确认后,与客户签订书面合同。期货公司不得未经客户委托或者不按照客户委托内容,擅自进行期货交易。
Article 26 The following entities and individuals shall not engage in futures trading. No futures company may accept their entrustment to trade futures on their account:
   第二十六条 下列单位和个人不得从事期货交易,期货公司不得接受其委托为其进行期货交易:
(1)The state organs and public institutions;
(2)The futures regulatory institution of the State Council, the futures exchanges, the institution monitoring the safe custody of futures margin, as well as the personnel of the associations of the futures industry;
(3) The persons prohibited to enter into the futures market;
(4)The entities and individuals offer documents certifying that they have opened an account; and
(5)Other entities and individuals not allowed to trade futures as prescribed by futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
Article 27 A client may give trading instructions to the futures company in writing, by telephone, through the internet or other methods as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council. The client's trading instructions shall be clear and complete.
No futures company may induce any client to give trading instructions by concealing any important event or by any other improper means.
   第二十七条 客户可以通过书面、电话、互联网或者国务院期货监督管理机构规定的其他方式,向期货公司下达交易指令。客户的交易指令应当明确、全面。
Article 28 A futures exchange shall timely announce the details concerning the futures contracts of the marketed varieties, including the trading volume, trading price, volume of positions held, the highest and lowest prices, opening and closing prices, and other real time market information which should be announced, and ensure that the information announced is truthful and accurate. No futures exchange may release any information on price forecasts.
Without permission of the futures exchange, no entity or individual may release the real time market information about futures trading.
   第二十八条 期货交易所应当及时公布上市品种合约的成交量、成交价、持仓量、最高价与最低价、开盘价与收盘价和其他应当公布的即时行情,并保证即时行情的真实、准确。期货交易所不得发布价格预测信息。
Article 29 The margin system shall be strictly observed in the futures trading. The margin, which a futures company collects from its clients, shall not be lower than the rates as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council, or by the stock exchange, and shall be separated from the futures company's own money and be deposited in a special account.
The margin, which a futures company collects from its clients, belongs to the clients. Such margin shall be strictly prohibited from being used for any other purpose except for the settlement among its members.
The margin, which a futures company collects from its clients, belongs to the clients. Such margin shall be strictly prohibited from being used for any other purpose except for the following transferable circumstances:
   第二十九条 期货交易应当严格执行保证金制度。期货交易所向会员、期货公司向客户收取的保证金,不得低于国务院期货监督管理机构、期货交易所规定的标准,并应当与自有资金分开,专户存放。
(1)To pay the money available at the request of the clients;
(2)To deposit the margin or pay commissions or taxes on the clients' account; and
(3)Other circumstances as prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
Article 30 A futures company shall open a separate account and set up a separate trading code for each of its clients and may not mix up the codes in its futures trading.
   第三十条 期货公司应当为每一个客户单独开立专门账户、设置交易编码,不得混码交易。
Article 31 For a futures company engaging in the futures brokerage business and other futures businesses, it shall strictly follow the principle of separation of business and separation of funds, and shall not mix them up.
   第三十一条 期货公司经营期货经纪业务又同时经营其他期货业务的,应当严格执行业务分离和资金分离制度,不得混合操作。
Article 32 The members and clients of a futures exchange may offer standard warehouse receipts, government bonds and other negotiable securities with stable value and high liquidity as their margin for the futures trading. The types, methods for calculation, and the proportion of negotiable securities to serve as margin shall be prescribed by the futures regulatory institution of the State Council.
   第三十二条 期货交易所会员、客户可以使用标准仓单、国债等价值稳定、流动性强的有价证券充抵保证金进行期货交易。有价证券的种类、价值的计算方法和充抵保证金的比例等,由国务院期货监督管理机构规定。
Article 33 The qualifications of a banking financial institution engaging in the custody of futures margin and in the settlement of futures shall, upon examination and approval of the banking regulatory institution of the State Council, be reported to the futures regulatory institution of the State Council for approval.
   第三十三条 银行业金融机构从事期货保证金存管、期货结算业务的资格,经国务院银行业监督管理机构审核同意后,由国务院期货监督管理机构批准。
Article 34 The clearing members of a futures exchange, futures company or non-futures company shall, in accordance with the provisions of the futures regulatory institution of the State Council and of the finance department, prepare, manage and use the risk reserve, shall not misappropriate it.
   第三十四条 期货交易所、期货公司、非期货公司结算会员应当按照国务院期货监督管理机构、财政部门的规定提取、管理和使用风险准备金,不得挪用。

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