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Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental Information (for Trial Implementation) [Expired]
环境信息公开办法(试行) [失效]
Order of the State Environmental Protection Administration
(Order No. 35)
The Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental Information (for Trial Implementation), which were adopted at the first executive meeting of 2007 of the State Environmental Protection Administration on February 8, 2007, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of May 1, 2008.
Director of the State Environmental Protection Administration Zhou Shengxian
April 11, 2007
Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental Information (for Trial Implementation)


国家环境保护总局局长 周生贤
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are formulated according to the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government Information, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Promoting Clean Production, the Decision of the State Council on Fulfilling the Scientific Development View and Strengthening Environmental Protection and other relevant legal provisions for the purpose of promoting and regulating the disclosure of environmental information by environmental protection administrative departments (hereinafter referred to as environmental administrations) and enterprises, maintaining the rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations to access environmental information, and promoting the participation into environmental protection by the general public.
   第一条 为了推进和规范环境保护行政主管部门(以下简称环保部门)以及企业公开环境信息,维护公民、法人和其他组织获取环境信息的权益,推动公众参与环境保护,依据《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》、《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》和《国务院关于落实科学发展观加强环境保护的决定》以及其他有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The expression “environmental information” as mentioned in these Measures includes government environmental information and enterprise environmental information.
The expression “government environmental information” refers to the information which is produced or obtained by environmental administrations in their performance of environmental protection responsibilities, and is recorded and kept in a certain form.
The expression “enterprise environmental information” refers to the information that is recorded and kept in a certain form, and is related to the environmental effects arising in the business activities of enterprises and the environmental acts of enterprises.
   第二条 本办法所称环境信息,包括政府环境信息和企业环境信息。
Article 3 The State Environmental Protection Administration shall be responsible for promoting, guiding, coordinating and supervising the work on the disclosure of environmental information of the whole country.
The environmental administrations of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for organizing, coordinating and supervising the work on the disclosure of environmental information of their respective administrative areas.
   第三条 国家环境保护总局负责推进、指导、协调、监督全国的环境信息公开工作。
Article 4 An environmental administration shall follow the principles of equity, fairness, being convenient for people and objectivity, and disclose the government environmental information timely and accurately.
An enterprise shall, in light of the principle of combining voluntary disclosure with mandatory disclosure, disclose its environmental information timely and accurately.
   第四条 环保部门应当遵循公正、公平、便民、客观的原则,及时、准确地公开政府环境信息。
Article 5 Citizens, legal persons and other organizations may apply to environmental administrations for accessing government environmental information.
   第五条 公民、法人和其他组织可以向环保部门申请获取政府环境信息。
Article 6 An environmental administration shall establish and improve an environment information the disclosure system.
The State Environmental Protection Administration shall designate its general office as the organizational department for disclosure of its government environmental information, and other functional bodies shall do a good job in the disclosure of government environmental information within their respective functions.
The environmental administration of the local people's government at or above the county level shall determine the organizational department for the disclosure of its government environmental information in light of the actuality, and such organizational department shall take charge of the organization of the disclosure of government environmental information for its environmental administration.
The organizational department for disclosure of government environmental information in an environmental administration shall assume the following specific responsibilities:
   第六条 环保部门应当建立、健全环境信息公开制度。
(1) Organizing the formulation of rules, systems and working rules for the disclosure of government environmental information for environmental administration;
(2) Organizing and coordinating the disclosure of government environmental information by other functionary departments in the environmental administration;
(3) Organizing the maintenance and upgrading of the government environmental information disclosed by the environmental administration;
(4) Supervising and checking the disclosure of government environmental information by other functionary departments in the environmental administration;
(5) Organizing the compilation of the guidelines for disclosure of government environmental information, the catalogue on the disclosure of government environmental information and the annual report on the disclosure of government environmental information for the environmental administration;
(6) Supervising and guiding the disclosure of government environmental information by the environmental administrations at lower levels;
(7) Supervising the disclosure of government environmental information by the enterprises within its jurisdiction;
(8) Taking charge of the confidentiality examination before the disclosure of government environmental information; and
(9) Other responsibilities for the disclosure of government environmental information of the environmental administration.
Article 7 No citizen, legal person or other organization may, when utilizing the environmental information as disclosed, damage state interests, public interests or legitimate rights or interests of others.
   第七条 公民、法人和其他组织使用公开的环境信息,不得损害国家利益、公共利益和他人的合法权益。
Article 8 An environmental administration shall guarantee its disclosure of government environmental information in the aspects of personnel and funds, etc.
   第八条 环保部门应当从人员、经费方面为本部门环境信息公开工作提供保障。
Article 9 Where it is necessary to obtain the approval for the disclosure of government environmental information according to the relevant provisions of the state, the environmental administration shall not disclose it until it is approved.
   第九条 环保部门发布政府环境信息依照国家有关规定需要批准的,未经批准不得发布。
Article 10 The disclosure of government environmental information by environmental administrations shall not jeopardize national security, pubic security, economic security or social stability.
   第十条 环保部门公开政府环境信息,不得危及国家安全、公共安全、经济安全和社会稳定。
Chapter II Disclosure of Government Environmental Information

第二章 政府环境信息公开

Section 1 Scope of Disclosure

第一节 公开的范围

Article 11 An environmental administration shall voluntarily disclose the following government environmental information to the general public within the scope of its duties:
   第十一条 环保部门应当在职责权限范围内向社会主动公开以下政府环境信息:
(1) Laws, regulations, rules, standards and other regulatory documents on environmental protection;
(2) Environmental protection plans;
(3) Environmental quality;
(4) Environmental statistics and environmental survey information;
(5) Prepared emergency plans for, and the forecasting, occurrence and disposal of, unexpected environmental accidents;
(6) Distribution and fulfillment of gross discharging indicators of main pollutants, issuance of pollutant discharging licenses, and quantitative inspection results about comprehensive rectification of urban environment;

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