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Notice of the Higher People's Court of Beijing on Issuing the Guiding Opinions (I) on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases Involving Copyright Disputes in Cyberspace (for Trial Implementation) (No.166 [2010] of the Higher People's Court of Beijing, May 19, 2010) The No.1 Intermediate People's Court of Beijing, the No.2 Intermediate People's Court of Beijing and the people's courts of all districts and counties: The Guiding Opinions (I) of the Higher People's Court of Beijing on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases Involving Copyright Disputes in Cyberspace (for trial implementation), deliberated and adopted at the 7th session of the Judicial Committee of the Higher People's Court of Beijing on May 17, 2010, are hereby issued to you for your earnest implementation. Please report the problems encountered in implementation to Civil Division III of this Court in a timely manner. If there is any discrepancy between these Guiding Opinions and the laws, regulations and judicial interpretations, the laws, regulations and judicial interpretations shall prevail. Guiding Opinions (I) of the Higher People's Court of Beijing on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases Involving Copyright Disputes in Cyberspace (for Trial Implementation)
| | 北京市高级人民法院关于印发《关于审理涉及网络环境下著作权纠纷案件若干问题的指导意见(一)(试行)》的通知 (2010年5月19日 京高法发[2010]166号) 市第一、第二中级人民法院;各区、县人民法院: 现将《北京市高级人民法院审理涉及网络环境下著作权纠纷案件若干问题的指导意见(一)(试行)》已经北京市高级人民法院审判委员会2010年5月17日第七次会议讨论通过,现予印发,望认真贯彻执行。执行中有何问题,请及时报告我院民三庭。本指导意见中所涉及意见如与法律法规、司法解释有冲突的,以法律法规、司法解释为准。特此通知。 北京市高级人民法院关于网络著作权纠纷案件若干问题的指导意见(一)(试行)
I. Essential elements of an Internet service provider's liability for infringement
| | 一、网络服务提供者侵权责任的构成要件
1. For an Internet service provider (ISP) to assume the civil liability for infringement upon the right of dissemination on information network, there shall exist four essential elements: illegal act, injury, causation between illegal act and injury and fault.
| | 1.网络服务提供者构成对信息网络传播权的侵犯、承担侵权的民事责任,应具备违法行为、损害后果、违法行为与损害后果具有因果关系和过错四个要件。
II. Determination and legal regulation of dissemination on information network
| | 二、信息网络传播行为的判断及其法律调整
(I) Determination and legal regulation of dissemination on information network
| | (一)信息网络传播行为的判断及法律调整
2. Dissemination on information network refers to an act of uploading or otherwise placing works, performances or sound or video recordings on a network server open to the public, which enables the public to access such works, performances or sound or video recordings at a selected time and place. Dissemination on information network is constituted as long as works, performances or sound or video recordings are uploaded or otherwise placed on a network server open to the public, which enables the public to download, browse or otherwise access online such works, performances or sound or video recordings at a selected time and place, and the party concerned need not adduce evidence on any actual downloading, browsing or otherwise access online.
| | 2.信息网络传播行为是指将作品、表演、录音录像制品上传至或以其他方式将其置于向公众开放的网络服务器中,使公众可以在选定的时间和地点获得作品、表演、录音录像制品的行为。 将作品、表演、录音录像制品上传至或以其他方式置于向公众开放的网络服务器中,使作品、表演、录音录像制品处于公众可以在选定的时间和地点下载、浏览或以其他方式在线获得,即构成信息网络传播行为,无需当事人举证证明实际进行过下载、浏览或以其他方式在线获得的事实。
3. Such services as automatic access, automatic transmission, information storage space, searching, linking and P2P (point-to-point) provided by an ISP for service receivers are technical and facility support for the network dissemination of information disseminated by service receivers, and do not constitute direct dissemination on information network.
| | 3.网络服务提供者为服务对象提供自动接入、自动传输、信息存储空间、搜索、链接、P2P(点对点)等服务的,属于为服务对象传播的信息在网络上传播提供技术、设施支持的帮助行为,不构成直接的信息网络传播行为。
4. Whether an ISP's act constitutes dissemination on information network shall generally depend on whether the disseminated works, performances or sound or video recordings are uploaded or otherwise placed by the ISP on a network server open to the public. If the plaintiff claims that the form in which an ISP provides a service has made a user wrongly believe that the ISP is disseminating works, performances or sound or video recordings, but the ISP can provide evidence to prove that the service provided is only automatic access, automatic transmission, information storage space, searching, linking or P2P (point-to-point), the ISP shall not be determined to have conducted dissemination on information network.
| | 4.网络服务提供者的行为是否构成信息网络传播行为,通常应以传播的作品、表演、录音录像制品是否由网络服务提供者上传或以其它方式置于向公众开放的网络服务器上为标准。 原告主张网络服务提供者所提供服务的形式使用户误认为系网络服务提供者传播作品、表演、录音录像制品,但网络服务提供者能够提供证据证明其提供的仅是自动接入、自动传输、信息存储空间、搜索、链接、P2P(点对点)等服务的,不应认为网络服务提供者的行为构成信息网络传播行为。
5. An ISP, which claims that it only provides technical and facility services such as information storage space, searching, linking and P2P (point-to-point) but has a cooperative relationship in contents such as channels and columns with another ISP providing works, performances or sound or video recordings, may be determined to have conducted dissemination on information network based on the specific cooperation.
| | 5.网络服务提供者主张其仅提供信息存储空间、搜索、链接、P2P(点对点)等技术、设备服务,但其与提供作品、表演、录音录像制品的网络服务提供者在频道、栏目等内容方面存在合作关系的,可以根据合作的具体情况认定其实施了信息网络传播行为。
6. If an ISP providing the information storage space service conducts an examination of the subject, quality, contents, etc. of the works, performances or sound or video recordings provided by service receivers or conducts any selection, editing or organization related to the contents of the works, performances or sound or video recordings so as to decide whether to release them on the Internet, it shall be determined to have conducted direct dissemination on information network, unless the examination of contents other than copyright status is conducted as required by a law or administrative regulation or rule.
| | 6.提供信息存储空间服务的网络服务提供者对服务对象提供的作品、表演、录音录像制品的主题、质量、内容等进行审查或者对作品、表演、录音录像制品进行了涉及内容的选择、编辑、整理,以决定是否在网络上发布的,其行为构成直接的信息网络传播行为,但基于法律、法规和部门规章的要求对著作权状况之外的内容进行审查的除外。
7. If the form of provision of a service by an ISP providing searching and linking services has made a user wrongly believe that it is providing works, performances or sound or video recordings, and the operator of a linked website claims that the service constitutes an infringement, it may be regulated under the Law against Unfair Competition.
| | 7.提供搜索、链接服务的网络服务提供者所提供服务的形式使用户误认为系其提供作品、表演、录音录像制品,被链网站经营者主张其构成侵权的,可以依据反不正当竞争法予以调整。
8. An ISP, which claims that it only provides such services as information storage space, searching, linking and P2P (point-to-point) for the alleged infringing works, performances or sound or video recordings, shall provide evidence to prove its claim. If the ISP fails to provide evidence to prove that the alleged infringing works, performances or sound or video recordings are provided and placed on a network server open to the public by others, the ISP may be presumed to have conducted dissemination on information network.
| | 8.网络服务提供者主张其仅为被诉侵权的作品、表演、录音录像制品提供了信息存储空间、搜索、链接、P2P(点对点)等服务的,应举证证明。网络服务提供者不能提供证据证明被诉侵权的作品、表演、录音录像制品系由他人提供并置于向公众开放的网络服务器中的,可以推定该服务提供者实施了信息网络传播行为。
9. Uploading or otherwise placing works, performances or sound or video recordings on a LAN open to the public, which enables the public to have access to them at times and places selected by the public, shall be dissemination on information network.
| | 9.将作品、表演、录音录像制品上传至或以其他方式置于向公众开放的局域网中,使公众可以在其个人选定的时间和地点获得的,属于信息网络传播行为。
10. If an ISP provides the online broadcasting of works to the public according to a pre-arranged schedule on an information network, it does not constitute dissemination on information network, and shall be regulated by Article 10.1(17) of the Copyright Law.
| | 10.网络服务提供者通过信息网络按照事先安排的时间表向公众提供作品的在线播放的,不构成信息网络传播行为,应适用著作权法第十条第一款第(十七)项进行调整。
(II) Nature of “snapshot” and related legal liability
| | (二)“快照”的性质及法律责任
11. If an ISP, when providing the searching service, generates copies of works, performances or sound or video recordings on it servers in the form of “snapshot” and provides them to the public on an information network, which enables the public to have access to such works at a selected time and place, the ISP shall be determined to have conducted dissemination on information network.
| | 11.网络服务提供者在提供搜索服务时以“快照”形式在其服务器上生成作品、表演、录音录像制品的复制件并通过信息网络向公众提供,使得公众能够在选定的时间和地点获得作品的,构成信息网络传播行为。
12. For an ISP claiming that its provision of webpage “snapshot” service is “provision of system cache service” as mentioned in Article 21 of the Regulation on the Protection of the Right of Dissemination on Information Network and it shall be therefore exempted from liability, if the “snapshot” service is provided by the ISP by storing in advance the alleged infringing works, performances or sound or video recordings on its network servers or the service does not meet the three exemption conditions as set out in Article 21 of the Regulation on the Protection of the Right of Dissemination on Information Network, this article cannot be invoked for liability exemption.
| | 12.网络服务提供者主张其提供的网页“快照”服务属于《信息网络传播权保护条例》第二十一条所称的提供系统缓存服务、应当免责,如“快照”服务系网络服务提供者事先把被诉侵权作品、表演、录音录像制品存储在网络服务器中,或者其行为不符合《信息网络传播权保护条例》第二十一条规定的三个免责条件的,不能够援引该条款免责。
13. If an ISP uses works, performances or sound or video recordings disseminated on any other person's website in the form of providing webpage “snapshot”, which does not affect the normal use of such works, performances or sound or video recordings by such other person's website, does not unreasonably damage the legitimate rights and interests of such other person's website in such works, performances or sound or video recordings and thus does not substantially replace a user's visit to such other person's website, it may be determined as a reasonable use provided that other conditions prescribed by law are met.
| | 13.网络服务提供者以提供网页“快照”的形式使用他人网站上传播的作品、表演、录音录像制品,未影响他人网站对作品、表演、录音录像制品的正常使用,亦未不合理地损害他人网站对于作品、表演、录音录像制品的合法权益,从而未实质性代替用户对他人网站的访问,并符合法律规定的其他条件的,可以认定构成合理使用。
III. Legal nature of network technical and facility services, determination of fault of a service provider and related application of law
| | 三、网络技术、设备服务提供行为的法律性质、服务提供者的过错判断及其法律适用
(I) Legal nature of network technical and facility services
| | (一)网络技术、设备服务行为的法律性质
14. Where an ISP providing such services as information storage space, searching, linking or P2P (point-to-point) participates in or abets or helps others in the infringement upon any copyright, right of performer or right of producer of sound or video recordings on a network, if it is at fault, it shall be liable for contributory infringement.
| | 14.提供信息存储空间、搜索、链接、P2P(点对点)等服务的网络服务提供者通过网络参与、教唆、帮助他人实施侵犯著作权、表演者权、录音录像制作者权的行为,并有过错的,承担共同侵权责任。
15. The infringement by an ISP providing such services as information storage space, searching, linking or P2P (point-to-point) shall be predicated upon the direct infringement committed by others, i.e. a third party's dissemination of works, performances or sound or video recordings by using such services as information storage space, searching, linking or P2P (point-to-point) is an infringement upon others' right of dissemination on information network. ...... | | 15.提供信息存储空间、搜索、链接、P2P(点对点)等服务的网络服务提供者构成侵权应当以他人实施了直接侵权行为为前提条件,即第三人利用信息存储空间、搜索、链接、P2P(点对点)等服务传播作品、表演、录音录像制品的行为系侵犯他人的信息网络传播权的行为。 ...... |
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