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Order of the State Council Information Office, Ministry of Commerce and State Administration for Industry and Commerce ( No. 7) The Provisions on Administration of Provision of Financial Information Services in China by Foreign Institutions are hereby promulgated, which shall enter into force on June 1, 2009. Director of the State Council Information Office: Wang Chen Minister of the Ministry of Commerce: Chen Deming Director General of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce: Zhou Bohua April 30, 2009 Provisions on Administration of Provision of Financial Information Services in China by Foreign Institutions
| | 国务院新闻办公室、商务部、国家工商行政管理总局令 (第7号) 《外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务管理规定》现予公布,自2009年6月1日起施行。 国务院新闻办公室主任 王晨 商务部部长 陈德铭 工商总局局长 周伯华 二00九年四月三十日 外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务管理规定
| | 目录
Chapter 1 General Provisions
| | 第一章 总则
Chapter 2 Examination and Approval
| | 第二章 审批
Chapter 3 Investment for Establishment of Enterprises
| | 第三章 投资设立企业
Chapter 4 Supervision and Administration
| | 第四章 监督管理
Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities
| | 第五章 法律责任
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
| | 第六章 附则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
| | 第一章 总则
Article 1 For the purpose of providing convenience for foreign institutions to provide financial information services in China according to law, satisfying the demands of domestic users for financial information, and promoting the sound and orderly development of the financial information service industry, these Provisions are formulated according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for the Administrative Examination and Approval Items Really Necessary to be Retained (No.548 Decree of the State Council).
| | 第一条 为便于外国机构在中国境内依法提供金融信息服务,满足国内用户对金融信息的需求,促进金融信息服务业健康、有序发展,根据《国务院关于修改〈国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定〉的决定》(国务院第548号令),制定本规定。
Article 2 The provision of financial information services in China by foreign institutions shall be applicable to these Provisions. Foreign institutions herein refer to foreign providers of financial information services. Financial information services herein refer to the services provided to users engaging in financial analysis, financial transactions, financial decision-making or other financial activities in respect of the provision of the information and/or financial statistics which may affect financial markets. Such services are different from news agency services.
| | 第二条 外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务,适用本规定。 本规定所称外国机构,是指外国金融信息服务提供者。 本规定所称金融信息服务,是指向从事金融分析、金融交易、金融决策或者其他金融活动的用户提供可能影响金融市场的信息和/或者金融数据的服务。该服务不同于通讯社服务。
Article 3 China will safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of foreign institutions for their provision of financial information services in China, and provide convenience for their provision of financial information services according to law. Foreign institutions providing financial information services in China shall observe Chinese laws, regulations and rules.
| | 第三条 中国依法保障外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务的合法权益,为其依法提供金融信息服务提供便利。 外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务,应当遵守中国法律、法规和规章。
Chapter 2 Examination and Approval
| | 第二章 审批
Article 4 The State Council Information Office (SCIO) shall be the agency for supervision and administration of the foreign institutions providing financial information services in China. Foreign institutions to provide financial information services in China shall be approved by the SCIO. Foreign institutions unapproved by the SCIO shall not provide any financial information service in China.
| | 第四条 国务院新闻办公室为外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务的监督管理机关。外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务,必须经国务院新闻办公室批准。 未经国务院新闻办公室批准的外国机构,不得在中国境内提供金融信息服务。
Article 5 A foreign institution that applies for providing financial information services in China shall have the following conditions:
| | 第五条 外国机构申请在中国境内提供金融信息服务,应当具备以下条件:
(1)Having corresponding legitimate qualifications in its country (region);
| | (一)在所在国家(地区)有相应的合法资质;
(2)Having a good reputation in financial information service field;
| | (二)在金融信息服务领域有良好信誉;
(3)Having specific financial information service businesses;
| | (三)有确定的金融信息服务业务;
(4)Having good dissemination means and technical services; and
| | (四)有良好的传播手段和技术服务;
(5)Other conditions provided in Chinese laws and regulations.
| | (五)中国法律、法规规定的其他条件。
Article 6 A Foreign institution that intends to provide financial information services in China shall apply to the SCIO and provide the following materials:
| | 第六条 外国机构在中国境内提供金融信息服务,需向国务院新闻办公室申请,提交下列材料:
(1)A written application signed by the major person-in-charge of the institution;
| | (一)该机构主要负责人签署的书面申请;
(2)An introduction of the institution;
| | (二)该机构情况介绍;
(3)A copy of the documentary evidence proving the establishment of the institution in the country (region) it located;
| | (三)该机构在所在国家(地区)设立的证明文本副本;
(4)A summary of the products, columns, illustrations, information sources and samples under financial information services to be provided; and ...... | | (四)拟提供金融信息服务的产品、栏目、说明、信息来源和样品的概述; ...... |
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