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Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Production License for Industrial Products [Revised]
中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例 [已被修订]
Order of the State Council
The Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Production License for Industrial Products, which was adopted at the 97th executive meeting of the State Council on June 29, 2005, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of September 1st, 2005.
Premier Wen Jiabao
July 9, 2005
Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Production License for Industrial Products


总理 温家宝


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Regulation is formulated for the purpose of ensuring the quality safety of the major industrial products that directly concern the public safety, physical health, and safety of life and property, implementing the state industrial policy, and promoting the healthy and harmonious development of socialist market economy.
   第一条 为了保证直接关系公共安全、人体健康、生命财产安全的重要工业产品的质量安全,贯彻国家产业政策,促进社会主义市场经济健康、协调发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 The state shall implement the system of production license for the enterprises undertaking the production of the following important industrial products:
   第二条 国家对生产下列重要工业产品的企业实行生产许可证制度:
1. dairy produce, meat produce, beverages, rice, flour, edible oil, alcohol and other processed foods directly relate to physical health;
2. electric carpet, pressure cooker, gas-fired water heater, and other products that may endanger the personal and property safety;
3. fiscal cash registers, money detectors, satellite television broadcast ground receiving facilities, wireless radio and television transmission equipment and other products concerning financial safety and the safety of communications quality;
4. safety net, safety helmet, construction fastener and other products that can ensure labor safety;
5. electric power iron tower, bridge abutment, railway industrial products, water engineering metal structure, hazardous chemicals and their wrappages and containers, and other products that may affect work safety and public security; and
6. other products subject to the administration of production license as required by laws and administrative regulations in accordance with the provisions of the present Regulation.
Article 3 The Catalog of Industrial Products (hereinafter referred to as the Catalog) subject to the system of production license by the state shall be formulated by the competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products together with the relevant departments of the State Council, and be announced to the public upon the approval of the State Council after soliciting the opinions of consumers associations and industrial associations of the relevant products.
The system of production license shall not be applicable to the industrial products whose quality can be effectively ensured through self judgment of consumers, self-discipline of enterprises and market competition.
The system of production license shall not be applicable to the industrial products whose quality safety can be effectively ensured through the system of certification and authentication.
The competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products shall timely make evaluation, adjustment and curtailment step by step to the Catalog together with the relevant departments of the State Council, and announce to the public after reporting to and being approved by the State Council.
   第三条 国家实行生产许可证制度的工业产品目录(以下简称目录)由国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定,并征求消费者协会和相关产品行业协会的意见,报国务院批准后向社会公布。
Article 4 The present Regulation shall be observed for the production, sale or use of the products listed in the Catalog in the business management activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
The administration on the import and export of the products listed in the Catalog shall be conducted in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and the relevant state provisions.
   第四条 在中华人民共和国境内生产、销售或者在经营活动中使用列入目录产品的,应当遵守本条例。
Article 5 No enterprise that fails to obtain the production license shall produce any of the products listed in the Catalog. No entity or individual may sell or use any product listed in the Catalog in the business activities without obtaining production license.
   第五条 任何企业未取得生产许可证不得生产列入目录的产品。任何单位和个人不得销售或者在经营活动中使用未取得生产许可证的列入目录的产品。
Article 6 The competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products shall be responsible for the unified administration on the production license for industrial products nation wide according to the present Regulation. The competent local department of production license for industrial products at or above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of production license for industrial products within their own administrative districts.
The state shall, for the industrial products subject to the system of production license for industrial products, unify the catalog, the examination requirements, the certificate symbols and the supervision and administration.
   第六条 国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门依照本条例负责全国工业产品生产许可证统一管理工作,县级以上地方工业产品生产许可证主管部门负责本行政区域内的工业产品生产许可证管理工作。
Article 7 The principle of science and justness, openness and transparency, legitimacy in the procedures and convenient for the public as well as high efficiency shall be followed for the administration of production license for industrial products.
   第七条 工业产品生产许可证管理,应当遵循科学公正、公开透明、程序合法、便民高效的原则。
Article 8 The competent departments of production license for industrial products at or above the county level and their staff members, inspection institution and inspectors shall have the obligation to keep secret the national secrets and business secrets they know.
   第八条 县级以上工业产品生产许可证主管部门及其人员、检验机构和检验人员,对所知悉的国家秘密和商业秘密负有保密义务。
Chapter II Application and Acceptance

第二章 申请与受理

Article 9 An enterprise shall meet the following conditions for obtaining a production license:
   第九条 企业取得生产许可证,应当符合下列条件:
1. having the business license;
2. having professional technicians qualified for the products it produces;
3. having production conditions and means of inspection and quarantine that are suitable for the products it produces;
4. having technical documents and technique documents matching the products it produces;
5. having sound and effective quality control system and responsibility system;
6. the product complying with the relevant national standards, industrial standards and requirements for ensuring personal health and personal and property safety; and
7. complying with the provisions of state industrial policy, and having no such conditions as backward technique, high energy cost, polluting of environment, or waste of resources, and etc. as are washed out by public proclamation of the state and prohibited from being invested and constructed.
Unless there are otherwise provisions by any law or administrative regulation, such provisions shall also be accorded with.
Article 10 The competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products shall, according to the conditions as prescribed in Article 9 of the present Measures, and in light of the different characteristics of industrial products, formulate and issue specific requirements for obtaining the production licenses for the products listed in the Catalog; if there is necessity to make special provisions on the specific requirements for the production licenses for the products listed in the Catalog, it shall formulate and issue such provisions together with the relevant departments of the State Council.
The opinions of the consumers associations and the industrial associations of the relevant products shall be solicited for the formulation of the concrete requirements for the production license of the products listed in the Catalog.
   第十条 国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门依照本条例第九条规定的条件,根据工业产品的不同特性,制定并发布取得列入目录产品生产许可证的具体要求;需要对列入目录产品生产许可证的具体要求作特殊规定的,应当会同国务院有关部门制定并发布。
Article 11 An enterprise shall, when producing any product that is listed in the Catalog, apply for obtaining the production license to the competent department of production license for industrial products at the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government where the enterprise is located.
In case any product that is being produced by an enterprise is listed in the Catalog, the enterprise shall apply for obtaining the production license within the time as prescribed by the competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products.
The application of the enterprise may be filed through letter, telegraph, telex, fax, electronic data interchange, email, and other ways.
   第十一条 企业生产列入目录的产品,应当向企业所在地的省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门申请取得生产许可证。
Article 12 The competent department of production license for industrial products at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government shall, after receiving the application of an enterprise, handle it according to the relevant provisions of the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China.
   第十二条 省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门收到企业的申请后,应当依照《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的有关规定办理。
Article 13 The competent department of production license for industrial products at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government and any other entity shall not annex any condition additionally to restrict any enterprise from applying for the production license.
   第十三条 省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门以及其他任何单位不得另行附加任何条件,限制企业申请取得生产许可证。
Chapter III Examination and Decision

第三章 审查与决定

Article 14 The competent department of production license for industrial products at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government shall, after accepting the application of an enterprise, organize to make examination on the enterprise. If, according to the concrete requirements of the production license for any product listed in the Catalog, the examination on the enterprise shall be organized by the competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products, the competent department of production license for industrial products at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 5 days from accepting the application of the enterprise, report all the application documents to the competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products.
The examination on an enterprise shall include on-site checking on the enterprise and inspection on the products.
   第十四条 省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门受理企业申请后,应当组织对企业进行审查。依照列入目录产品生产许可证的具体要求,应当由国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门组织对企业进行审查的,省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当自受理企业申请之日起5日内将全部申请材料报送国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门。
Article 15 The competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products and the competent department of production license for industrial products at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government shall appoint two to four checkers to make on-site checking on an enterprise, and the enterprise shall cooperate with them.
   第十五条 对企业进行实地核查,国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当指派2至4名核查人员,企业应当予以配合。
Article 16 The checkers shall not undertake the corresponding checking work until after having passed the examinations organized by the competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products and obtained the certificate of checkers.
   第十六条 核查人员经国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门组织考核合格,取得核查人员证书,方可从事相应的核查工作。
Article 17 The checkers shall make on-site checking on an enterprise in accordance with the conditions as prescribed in Article 9 of the present Regulation and the specific requirements for production license of the products listed in the Catalog.
The checkers shall not, when making on-site checking on any enterprise, create difficulties for the enterprise, or seek for or receive any property of the enterprise or figure for other improper benefits.
   第十七条 核查人员依照本条例第九条规定的条件和列入目录产品生产许可证的具体要求对企业进行实地核查。
Article 18 The competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products and the competent department of production license for industrial products at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 30 days from accepting the application of an enterprise, notify the result of the on-site checking to the enterprise in writing. If the enterprise does not pass the checking, the reasons shall be explained.
   第十八条 国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当自受理企业申请之日起30日内将对企业实地核查的结果书面告知企业。核查不合格的,应当说明理由。
Article 19 If an enterprise has passed on-site checking, it shall make inspection on the product in time. If there is necessity to send samples for inspection, the checkers shall seal up the samples for keeping and notify the enterprise to send the samples to the inspection institution that has the corresponding qualification within 7 days. If there is necessity to make on-site inspection, the checkers shall notify the inspection institution to make on-site inspection.
   第十九条 企业经实地核查合格的,应当及时进行产品检验。需要送样检验的,核查人员应当封存样品,并告知企业在7日内将该样品送达具有相应资质的检验机构。需要现场检验的,由核查人员通知检验机构进行现场检验。
Article 20 The inspection institution shall make inspection on products according to the relevant national standard and requirements, and complete the inspection work within the prescribed time.
The inspection institution and inspectors shall issue inspection reports objectively, justly and timely. The inspection report shall be signed by the person in charge of the inspection institution after being signed by the inspectors. The inspection institution and the inspectors shall be responsible for the inspection report.
   第二十条 检验机构应当依照国家有关标准、要求进行产品检验,在规定时间内完成检验工作。
Article 21 The inspection institution and the inspectors shall, when making inspection on any product, follow the principle of good faith and convenience for enterprises, so as to provide reliable and convenient inspection service for enterprises, and shall not delay or create difficulties for enterprises.
   第二十一条 检验机构和检验人员进行产品检验,应当遵循诚信原则和方便企业的原则,为企业提供可靠、便捷的检验服务,不得拖延,不得刁难企业。
Article 22 No inspection institution or inspector may undertake any production and sales activity relating to the product listed in the Catalog under its/his inspection, or recommend or supervise the manufacture or the sale of any product listed in the Catalog under its/his inspection in its/his name.
   第二十二条 检验机构和检验人员不得从事与其检验的列入目录产品相关的生产、销售活动,不得以其名义推荐或者监制、监销其检验的列入目录产品。
Article 23 In case the examination on an enterprise is conducted by the competent department of production license for industrial products at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government, the said department shall, after completing the examination, submit the examination opinions and all the application documents to the competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products.
   第二十三条 由省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门组织对企业进行审查的,省、自治区、直辖市工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当在完成审查后将审查意见和全部申请材料报送国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门。
Article 24 The competent department of the State Council in charge of production license for industrial products shall, within 60 days from the day of accepting the application of an enterprise, make a decision on whether to grant license or not, if it makes a decision on granting a license, it shall issue the certificate of production license for industrial products (hereinafter referred to as the License Certificate) to the enterprise within 10 days from the day of making the decision; if it makes a decision on not granting the license, it shall notify the enterprise in written forms and explain the reasons.
   第二十四条 自受理企业申请之日起60日内,国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当作出是否准予许可的决定,作出准予许可决定的,国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当自作出决定之日起10日内向企业颁发工业产品生产许可证证书(以下简称许可证证书);作出不准予许可决定的,国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当书面通知企业,并说明理由。

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