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Measures for Punishing Outraging Lawyers and Law Firms for Their Illegal Acts (2010) [Effective]
律师和律师事务所违法行为处罚办法(2010) [现行有效]
Order of the Ministry of Justice
The Measures for Punishing Outraging Lawyers and Law Firms for Their Illegal Acts, which were deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice on April 7, 2010, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on June 1, 2010.
Wu Aiying, Minister of Justice
April 8, 2010
Measures for Punishing Outraging Lawyers and Law Firms for Their Illegal Acts


部长 吴爱英
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 To strengthen supervision over the practice of lawyers and law firms, regulate the practicing behaviors of lawyers and maintain the normal legal service order, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Lawyers Lawof the People's Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as the Lawyers Law,the Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Penalty Law) and other relevant provisions.
   第一条 为了加强对律师、律师事务所执业活动的监督,规范律师执业行为,维护正常的法律服务秩序,根据《中华人民共和国律师法》(以下简称《律师法》)、《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》(以下简称《行政处罚法》)的有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The administrative departments of justice shall impose administrative punishments on outraging lawyers and law firms for their illegal acts pursuant to the LawyersLaw, the Administrative Penalty Law, other relevant laws, regulations and rules and these Measures.
   第二条 律师、律师事务所有违法行为,应当给予行政处罚的,由司法行政机关依照《律师法》《行政处罚法》和有关法律、法规、规章以及本办法的规定实施行政处罚。
Article 3 When imposing administrative punishments, the administrative departments of justice shall follow the principle of openness and justice, base punishments on facts, ensure that punishments match the character, circumstances and social harm of the illegal acts, combine punishment with education, and educate and guide lawyers and law firms into practicing by law, professional ethics and practicing disciplines.
   第三条 司法行政机关实施行政处罚,应当遵循公正、公开的原则;应当以事实为依据,与违法行为的性质、情节以及社会危害程度相当;应当坚持处罚与教育相结合,教育引导律师、律师事务所依法执业,恪守职业道德和执业纪律。
Article 4 The administrative departments of justice shall set up an administrative punishment supervision system. The administrative departments of justice shall strengthen supervision and guidance over the administrative punishments imposed by the administrative departments of justice at the next lower level and, where any department illegally or inappropriately imposes an administrative punishment, order it to correct in a timely manner.
Where any functionary of the administrative departments of justice breaks the law or discipline in the process of imposing administrative punishments, he shall be given an administrative sanction or, if any crime is constituted, subject to criminal responsibility.
   第四条 司法行政机关应当建立健全对行政处罚的监督制度。上一级司法行政机关应当加强对下一级司法行政机关实施行政处罚的监督和指导,发现行政处罚违法、不当的,应当及时责令纠正。
Chapter II Lawyers' Illegal Acts That Should Be Punished

第二章 律师应予处罚的违法行为

Article 5 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “practice of in two or more law firms at the same time” as prescribed in Item 1 of Article 47 of the Lawyers Law:
   第五条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十七条第一项规定的律师“同时在两个以上律师事务所执业的”违法行为:
1. Practicing law concurrently in a law firm and another law firm or social legal service office; or
2. Before being approved to practice in a new law firm, undertaking business in the name of a lawyer of the said new firm, or, after being approved to practice in a new law firm, undertaking business still in the name of a lawyer of the said law firm.
Article 6 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “undertaking business by illicit means” as prescribed in Item 2 of Article 47 of the LawyersLaw:
   第六条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十七条第二项规定的律师“以不正当手段承揽业务的”违法行为:
1. Undertaking business by misleading, inducing, threatening, making false commitments, etc.;
2. Undertaking business by paying middleman fees, offering kickbacks, promising profits, etc.;
3. Undertaking business by falsely or inappropriately promoting himself or his firm of practice or by defaming any other lawyer or law firm; or
4. Undertaking business by forming an office or reception room outside the domicile of his firm of practice.
Article 7 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “representing both parties in a same case, or representing a client in a legal matter that has conflict of interest with himself or his close relative” as prescribed in Item 3 ofArticle 47 of the LawyersLaw:
   第七条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十七条第三项规定的律师“在同一案件中为双方当事人担任代理人,或者代理与本人及其近亲属有利益冲突的法律事务的”违法行为:
1. Representing or providing legal services for both parties who have conflict of interest in a same civil action, administrative action or non-litigious legal matter;
2. Serving as a defender of the defendant and attorney of the victim in a same criminal case, or serving as defender of two or more criminal suspects or defendants at the same time;
3. Providing legal services for a client who has conflict of interest with an entity for which he serves as a legal consultant;
4. Serving as the defender or attorney in a case once handled by the court or procuratorate where he used to work as a judge or procurator; or
5. Serving as an attorney in a case handled by the arbitral body where he used to or currently work as an arbitrator.
Article 8 Where a lawyer who was once as a judge or procurator acts as an attorney or defender or otherwise gets involved in a lawsuit undertaken by the law firm where he practices within two years after leaving his post in the people's court or people's procuratorate, it shall be deemed the illegal act of “serving as an attorney or defender within two years after leaving his post in a people's court or the people's procuratorate” as prescribed in Item 4 of Article 47 of the LawyersLaw.
   第八条 曾经担任法官、检察官的律师,从人民法院、人民检察院离任后二年内,担任诉讼代理人、辩护人或者以其他方式参与所在律师事务所承办的诉讼法律事务的,属于《律师法》四十七条第四项规定的“从人民法院、人民检察院离任后二年内担任诉讼代理人或者辩护人的”违法行为。
Article 9 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “refusing to perform his legal aid obligations” as prescribed in Item 5 of Article 47 of the LawyersLaw:
   第九条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十七条第五项规定的律师“拒绝履行法律援助义务的”违法行为:
1. Refusing to accept a legal aid case designated by the law firm or a legal aid agency without goods reasons; or
2. After accepting a case, being sluggish in performing or stopping the performance of legal aid obligations without approval.
Article 10 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “accepting authorization or charging fees privately, or accepting property or any other benefit from a client” as prescribed in Item 1 of Article 48 of the LawyersLaw:
   第十条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十八条第一项规定的律师“私自接受委托、收取费用,接受委托人财物或者其他利益的”违法行为:
1. Accepting a commission or undertaking a legal matter in violation of the rule of accepting commission in a unified way or during the period of suspension of practice;
2. Privately collecting, using or misappropriating lawyer's fees and lawyer's travel expenses for handling cases at another place in violation of the relevant charging rules;
3. Demanding a client of other fees, property or any other benefit in addition to the standard fees charged by the law firm; or
4. Charging fees against or accepting property or any other benefit from a person receiving legal aid.
Article 11 Unless it is under any of the following circumstances, a lawyer's refusal to defend or represent a client or failure to appear in court for litigation or arbitration after accepting a designation shall be deemed as the illegal act as prescribed in Item 2 of Article 48 of the LawyersLaw:
   第十一条 律师接受委托后,除有下列情形之外,拒绝辩护或者代理,不按时出庭参加诉讼或者仲裁的,属于《律师法》四十八条第二项规定的违法行为:
1. The commissioned matter is illegal, or the client uses the lawyer's legal service for illegal purposes;
2. The client intentionally conceals any important fact or provides any false or forged evidence;
3. The client fails to perform the contractual obligations;
4. The lawyer gets seriously sick, or receives an administrative punishment of suspension of practice or a more serious administrative punishment; or
5. Other circumstances under which his refusal to defend or represent is legal.
Article 12 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “seeking for the disputed rights and interests of a party by taking advantage of the provision of legal services” as prescribed in Item 3 of Article 48 of the LawyersLaw:
   第十二条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十八条第三项规定的律师“利用提供法律服务的便利牟取当事人争议的权益的”违法行为:
1. Acquiring the property or rights and interests over which a party concerned has a dispute with another party by means of induction, fraud, menace or blackmail; or
2. Instigating or inducing a party concerned to assign, sell or lease the disputed property or rights and interests to another party and gaining profits from that.
Article 13 A lawyer's unauthorized divulging or spreading of the trade secret, personal privacy or any other affair or information which the client or any other party concerned tends to keep between themselves as committed during or after handling a case shall be the illegal act of “divulging a trade secret or personal privacy” as prescribed in Item 4 of Article 48 of the LawyersLaw.
   第十三条 律师未经委托人或者其他当事人的授权或者同意,在承办案件的过程中或者结束后,擅自披露、散布在执业中知悉的委托人或者其他当事人的商业秘密、个人隐私或者其他不愿泄露的情况和信息的,属于《律师法》四十八条第四项规定的“泄露商业秘密或者个人隐私的”违法行为。
Article 14 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “meeting a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff in violation of rules, or affecting the handling of a case by any other illicit means” as prescribed in Item 1 of Article 49 of the LawyersLaw:
   第十四条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十九条第一项规定的律师“违反规定会见法官、检察官、仲裁员以及其他有关工作人员,或者以其他不正当方式影响依法办理案件的”违法行为:
1. In the process of representing or defending a client, meeting a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff during off-work hours at a place other than the office with the intent to affect the handling of a case;
2. Using his special relationship with a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff to affect the handling of a case; or
3. Affecting the handling of a case by giving misrepresented, untruthful and misleading publicity to the case or by defaming the case handling organ, the relevant staffer or the opposite party of the case.
Article 15 The following circumstances shall be deemed as the illegal act of “bribing, bribing as a middleman or instigating or inducing a party to bribe a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff” as prescribed in Item 2 of Article 49 of the LawyersLaw:
   第十五条 有下列情形之一的,属于《律师法》四十九条第二项规定的律师“向法官、检察官、仲裁员以及其他有关工作人员行贿,介绍贿赂或者指使、诱导当事人行贿的”违法行为:
1. Bribing a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff responsible for handling the case by presenting a gift, money or negotiable securities at a wedding, funeral or any other occasion held by the said person or any near relative thereof;
2. Bribing a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff by remodeling the latter's house, reimbursing his personal expenditure or funding his tours or entertainment activities;
3. Bribing a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff by offering a vehicle, means of communication, house or any other article; or
4. Bribing, bribing as a middleman or instigating or inducing a party to bribe a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or any other relevant staff with the intent to affect the handling of a case.

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