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Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China (For Trial Implementation) [Expired]
最高人民法院印发《关于贯彻执行<中华人民共和国民法通则>若干问题的意见(试行)》的通知 [失效]


Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China (For Trial Implementation)
(Deliberated and Adopted at the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on January 26, 1988,No. 6 [1988] of the Supreme People's Court and issued on April 2, 1988)

The local people's court at all levels of the whole nation, the military courts at all levels, all intermediate and grassroots courts of railway transportation, all maritime courts,

The Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China are hereby issued to you, try it in civil trials and economic trials (no external reprinting). You shall pay attention to making investigation and research, and sum up experiences in the process of the trial implementation, any opinion and problem shall be submitted to the Supreme People's Court.
Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China (For Trial Implementation)
(Deliberated and Adopted at the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on January 26, 1988,No. 6 [1988] of the Supreme People's Court and issued on April 2, 1988)
The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the General Principles of the Civil Law) came into force as of the date of January 1st, 1987. We hereby put forward the following opinions on the issues encountered in the implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law:

(1988年1月26日最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 法(办)发<1988>6号 1988年4月2日发布)


(1988年1月26日最高人民法院审判委员会讨论通过 法(办)发[1988]6号 1988年4月2日发布)

I. Citizens
1. On Issues concerning the Capacity for Civil Rights and Capacity for Civil Conducts
(1) A citizen's capacity for civil rights shall begin from his birth. The time of birth shall be subject to proof by his household register; if he has no proof of household register, the birth certificate issued by the hospital in which he was born shall apply. If there is no hospital certificate, other relevant certificate shall be referred to for determination.
(2) A citizen who has reached the age of 16 but not 18 and who can earn income through his own labor and is able to maintain the ordinary living of the local masses, he may be regarded as a person with full capacity for civil conduct with the main source of income from his own labor.
(3) Whether any civil activity conducted by a minor aged 10 or older is appropriate to his age and intellect or not may be determined from such aspects as the degree of connection of the conduct with his own life, whether the minor himself can understand such conduct as to his intellect and foresee the consequence of the corresponding conduct, and the amount of objects of the conduct.
(4) The determination of whether any civil activity conducted by any mentally ill person who is unable to recognize his own conduct is appropriate to his mental health may be made from such aspects as the degree of connection of the conduct with his own life, whether he himself can understand such conduct as to his mental health and foresee the consequence of the corresponding conduct, and the amount of objects of the conduct.
(5) A mentally ill person (including an imbecile) may be determined as a person who cannot identify his own conduct if he has no judgment ability and self-protection ability and does not know the consequences of his conduct; if he lacks judgment ability and self-protection ability for more complicated things or greater conducts, and cannot foresee the consequence of his conduct, he may be determined as a person who is unable to fully recognize his own conduct.
(6) In case any person with no capacity for civil conduct or with limited capacity for civil conduct accepts rewards, donations, or remunerations, no other person may claim the invalidity of the above-mentioned conducts by the reason that the person has no capacity for civil conduct or with limited capacity for civil conduct.
(7) Whether a party suffers from psychosis, the people's court shall identify according to the judicial psychiatry or determine by referring to the diagnosis and identification of the hospital. Under the condition that there is no condition for the diagnosis and identification, it may also determine it by referring to the recognized state of mental health of the party, but shall be within the limit that the interested parties have no objection.
(8) Where any party or his interested party proposes that one party suffers from the psychosis (including dementia), and the people's court believes it necessary to make a determination, it shall make judgment on whether the parties have the capacity for civil conducts in accordance with the special procedures as prescribed by the Civil Procedure Law (for Trial Implementation).
Trials shall be conducted in accordance with the special procedures as prescribed in the Civil Procedure Law (for Trial Implementation) for determining whether a mentally ill person (including an imbecile) is a person with limited capacity for civil behavior.
(9) The place where a citizen lives for over one year consecutively after leaving the domicile is the habitual residence, excluding the case when the citizen lives in the hospital for medical treatment.
Before a citizen moves to another place after moving out of the place where his residence is registered and has no habitual residence, the place where his residence is registered shall still be the domicile.
2. On Guardianship Issues
(10) The duty of guardianship of a guardian shall include: protect the personal health of his wards, take care of the life of the wards, manage and protect the property of his wards, and act as the agent of his wards to conduct civil activities, take charge of and educate on the wards, act as agent of his ward to file litigation in case the legal rights and interests of his ward is infringed upon or the ward has any dispute with any other person.
(11) The guardianship ability of a guardian shall be determined according to such factors as the physical health and economic conditions of the wards, and the connection between the guardian and his ward in life, etc..
(12) The close relatives as prescribed in the General Principles of the Civil Law shall include: spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters, paternal or maternal grandparent, grandchildren, and maternal grandchildren.
(13) The provisions of Article 16 of the General Principles of Civil Law shall be applied for the determination of guardians for minors who suffer from mental illness.
(14) When designating guardians, the people's court may regard the items (1) (2) and (3) of paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the General Principles of the Civil Law and the items (1) (2) (3) (4) and (5) of paragraph 1 of Article 17 as the sequence for designating guardians. In case the persons who has the qualification of guardianship in the first sequence have no guardian capacity or is bad to the wards, the people's court may, in light of the principle of favoring the wards, determine the guardians by choosing the best one in the persons who have the qualification of guardianship in the second sequence. If the ward has identification ability, his opinions shall be solicited according to the circumstances.
A guardian may be one person or may be several persons in the same one order.
(15) In case the persons who have the qualification of guardianship determine the guardians by agreement, the guardian who is determined by agreement shall undertake guardianship liabilities to the wards.
(16) In case any dispute arises over the acting of guardians, the relevant organizations shall make designation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3, Article 16 or paragraph 2, Article 17 of the General Principles of the Civil Law. If anyone lodges a lawsuit to the people's court without designation, the people's court shall reject it.
(17) In case the relevant organization designates guardians in light of the provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law, if the designated person is notified in writing or orally, the designation shall be deemed as valid. If the designated person is dissatisfied with the designation, he shall lodge a complaint to the people's court within 30 days from the morrow after receiving the notice. If he files a suit beyond the time limit, it shall be dealt with as the alteration of guardianship relation.
(18) A guardian shall not be altered without permission after being designated. If anyone alters the guardian without permission, the originally designated guardian and the guardian being altered shall undertake guardianship liabilities.
(19) In case the designated person is dissatisfied with the designation and files a lawsuit, the people's court shall make judgment on keeping or withdrawing the designated guardian according to the provisions of Article 14 of the present Opinions. If the judgment withdraws the original designation, another guardian may be designated at the same time. The trial of such cases shall be carried out by applying the special procedures as prescribed in Civil Procedure Law (for Trial Implementation) by analogy.
The guardianship liability before the people's court makes judgment shall be borne by the person who has the guardianship qualification in light of the sequence of designated guardians.
(20) In case a guardian fails to perform guardianship duties or infringes the legal rights and interests of the wards, and other person or entity that has guardianship qualification files a complaint to the people's court in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 of the General Principles of the Civil Law to require the guardian to undertake civil liabilities, the case shall be tried in light of common procedures; if the above-mentioned person or entity pleads altering the guardianship relations, the case shall be tried in light of special procedures; if the party requires both undertake civil liability and alter guardianship relation, the case shall be tried separately.
(21) After a spouse is divorced, the party living together with the children has no right to cancel the guardianship right of the other party to the children, but excluding the circumstances that the party that does not live together with the children has criminal acts, abusing acts to the children or is obviously bad to the children, and the people's court believes the guardianship may be cancelled.
(22) A guardian may entrust part or all the guardianship duties to others. In case it is necessary to undertake civil liabilities due to the tortious acts of the ward, the liabilities shall be borne by the guardian, unless there are different stipulations; if the entrusted person really has fault, he shall undertake several and joint liabilities.
(23) Where after one party of a spouse dies, the other party sends the child to any other person for adoption, if the adoption has no bad effect to the healthy growth of the child, and legal adoption formalities have been gone through, the adoption relation shall be deemed as valid; the other person that has the guardianship qualification shall not claim the invalidation of the adoption relation on the ground that he has not agreed to the adoption.
3. On Issues concerning the Declaration of Missing Persons and Death
(24) The interested party who applies for declaration of missing persons shall include: the spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters, paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents, grandchildren, maternal grandchildren of the person being declared missing, and other persons who have civil right and obligation relations with the person applied for.
(25) The sequence of the interested party who may apply for declaration of death shall be:
a. Spouse;
b. Parents, children;
c. Brothers and sisters, paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents, grandchildren, and maternal grandchildren; and
d. Other person having the connection of civil rights and obligations.
The application for revocation of the declaration of death shall not be restricted by the above-mentioned order.
(26) The "whereabouts is unknown" shall refer to the status that a citizen leaves his final domicile and has no message. In case a citizen lives in Taiwan or abroad and is unable to be contacted through ordinary communications, he shall not be declared dead on the ground that his whereabouts is unknown.
(27) If a person's whereabouts becomes unknown during a war, the provisions of item (1) of paragraph 1, Article 23 of the General Principles of the Civil Law shall be applicable to the period for applying for declaration of death.
(28) The computation of the time when a citizen's whereabouts becomes unknown as prescribed in item (1) of Article 20, and item (1), paragraph 1 of Article 23 shall begin from the morrow when the citizen's message disappears.
Cases concerning the declaration of a missing person shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the grassroots people's court at the domicile of the person being declared missing. If the domicile is not the same as the residence, it shall be ruled by the grassroots people's court in his final residence.
(29) The declaration of a missing person is not the necessary procedure for declaration of his death. The interested party may directly apply for declaration of death without applying for declaration of missing. But if the interested party only applies for declaration of missing, the people's court shall declare person the missing; if in an interested relation of the same sequence, someone applies for declaration of death, someone disagrees with the declaration of death, the people's court shall declare death.
(30) In case the people's court designates a custodian for the property of the missing person, the designation shall be made in light of the principle of being conducive to the protection of the property of the missing person. In case there are no custodians as prescribed in Article 21 of the General Principles of the Civil Law or they are unable to act as custodians, or are not appropriate for acting as custodians, the people's court may designate citizens or the relevant organizations to act as custodian for the property of the missing person.
In case a person without capacity for civil conduct or with limited capacity for civil conduct and whose whereabouts is unknown, his guardian shall be the custodian for his property.
(31) "Other expenses" as mentioned in paragraph 2, Article 21 of the General Principles of the Civil Law shall include: estovers, maintenance fees, fostering fees, and overheads needed for putting the property in custody and other necessary fees.
(32) In case the custodian for the property of a missing person refuses to pay the tax money, debts and other expenses owed by the missing person, and the creditor thereby files a lawsuit, the people's court shall list the custodian as the defendant.
In case the custodian of a missing person requests the debtor of the missing person to repay the debts, he may file a lawsuit as plaintiff.
(33) In case a debtor's whereabouts is unknown, but he is not declared missing, and the creditor files a lawsuit requiring him repay the debts, the people's court may make a default judgment after making summons through public notice or handle it as suspension of litigation.
(34) The people's court shall hear a case of declaration of missing person by analogy to the special procedures as prescribed in the Civil Procedure Law (for Trial Implementation).
The people's court shall find out the property of the person being declared missing when hearing the case of declaration of missing person, and designate a temporary custodian or take preservative measures in litigation, and issue a notice of finding out the person missing, the period of public notice for which shall be half a year. At the expiry of the public notice, the people's court shall make judgment on the declaration of missing person or ruling on the termination of the trial on the basis whether the fact that the missing of the person being declared missing has been confirmed. If the person is adjudicated a missing person, a property custodian shall be designated for the missing person at the same time.
(35) In case a custodian for the property of a missing person is unable to perform the custody duty, and applies for alteration of the custodian, the people's court shall make trial by analogy to the special procedures.
In case the custodian for the property of a missing person fails to perform the duty of custody or violates the property rights of a missing person, the interested party may appeal to the people's court requiring the custodian undertake civil liabilities. If he applies to the people's court for alteration of the custodian for property at the same time, the alteration litigation shall be heard separately by analogy to the special procedures.
(36) For a person that is declared dead, the date of adjudication of the judgment shall be the date for his death. The judgment shall, in addition to being issued to the applicant, also be announced at the resident place of the person declared dead and the locality of the people's court.
In case the time for declaration of death and that of the natural death is inconsistent with each other, the legal effect arising from the declaration of death shall remain effective, but if the civil legal conduct implemented before natural death conflicts with the legal consequence arising from declaration of death, the civil legal conduct implemented shall prevail.
(37) The marital relationship of a person being declared dead with his/her spouse shall annihilate from the date of declaration of death. If after the declaration of death is revoked by the people's court, and his/her spouse has not remarried, the husband and wife relationship shall automatically resume from the date of withdrawing the death declaration; if his/her spouse is divorced after having remarried or his/her spouse's spouse dies after having remarried, the husband and wife relationship shall not resume automatically.
(38) Where a person's child is adopted by another person during the period when he is being declared dead, if he claims for invalidation of the adoption relations only by the reason that he does not agree with the adoption after the death declaration is revoked, his claim shall not be permitted, unless the adopter and the adoptee both agree.
(39) If an interested party disguises facts and causes other person's being declared dead, and he therefore obtains its property, he shall, apart from returning the protoplast and the interests, make compensation on the losses he causes.
(40) In case a person asks for returning his property after the death declaration is revoked, the third party may not return the original thing if he obtained it legally. But any citizen or organization that has obtained the original thing according to the inherit law, the original thing shall be returned or proper compensation shall be granted.
4. Issues on Individual Business, Rural Household Engaged in Contracted Business and Individual Partnership
(41) For an individual business that has its own shop name, the litigant shall be the householder (owner) registered in the business license in a civil action, and the litigation documents shall indicate that he is the householder of a business.
(42)In case an individual business applies for registration in the name of a citizen himself or a rural household engaged in contracted business contracted by an individual, who makes investment by jointly owned property of the family, or the major part of the income is shared by the family members, its debts shall be paid off with the jointly owned property of the family.
(43) During the existence of a husband and wife relationship, if either party engages in individual business operation or contracted business and the income is jointly owned by the spouses, the debts shall be repaid with the jointly owned property of the spouses.
(44) If an individual business or rural household engaged in contracted business undertakes liabilities for its debts by using the jointly owned property of the family, the necessities for life and necessary production tools shall be kept for his family members.
(45) An individual partnership with a shop name shall have the legally approved and registered shop name as the litigant in civil action, and the person in-charge of the partnership shall be the litigation representative. The litigation act of the responsible person of the partnership shall have legal effect to all the partners.
For an individual partnership without a shop name, the partners shall be the common litigants. In case there are numerous partners, a litigation representative shall be elected to take part in the litigation, and the litigation act of the litigation representative shall have legal effect to all the partners. Written formalities shall be handled for the election of a litigation representative.
(46) In case a citizen provides capital or in-kinds according to the agreement, and is allowed to take part in the distribution of the surplus of the partnership, but not to take part in the business operation and work of the partnership, or if he provides technical labor service and does not provides capital or in-kinds, but is allowed to take part in the distribution of the surplus, he shall be regarded as a partner.
(47) All the partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the amount of loss arising from the business operation of the partnership to outsiders; while among themselves, the partners shall undertake liability for debts according to the proportion as stipulated in the agreement or the proportion of contributions; if the proportion of debts undertaken or no proportion of contribution is stipulated in the agreement, they may undertake liabilities according to the stipulations or the actual surplus distribution proportion. But any partner who has faults for the loss of business operation of the partnership shall undertake liabilities to the extent of his faults.
(48) Any partner who only provides technical labor services but does not provide capital or in-kinds shall take joint and several liabilities for the amount of loss of the business operation of the partnership to outsiders, and shall undertake liabilities according to the proportion of debts as stipulated in the agreement among themselves or in light of the proportion of surplus distribution proportion as stipulated or the surplus distribution proportion actually effected; if there is no surplus distribution proportion, they shall undertake liability in light of the average investment proportion of other partners.
(49) In case any individual partnership or individual business is falsely registered as a collective ownership enterprise by the administrative department for industry and commerce, but is in fact an individual partnership or individual business, it shall be treated as individual partnership or individual business.
(50) If the parties have no written partnership agreement between them and are not approved for registration by the administrative department for industry and commerce, but have other conditions for partnership, and meanwhile have been proved by two or more persons without any relation of interests to have entered into an oral partnership agreement, the people's court may determine that they are in partnership relations.
(51) In case any partner joins a partnership during the process of business operation of the partnership, and if there are stipulations about it in the written agreement, it shall be handled according to the agreement; if there are no stipulations in the written agreement, it shall win the consent of all the partners, and if it fails to win the consent of all the partners, his joining the partnership shall be deemed as invalid.
(52) In case a partner withdraws from a partnership, and if there are stipulations in the written agreement, it shall be handled according to the agreement; if there are no stipulations in the written agreement, the withdrawal shall be permitted in principle. But if other partners suffer losses due to the withdrawal, his compensation liability for them shall be determined by considering the causes, reasons for the withdrawal and the faults of the two parties, and other relevant conditions.
(53) In case losses are incurred during the business operation of a partnership, and any partner who fails to undertake the debts of the partnership as stipulated or fails to properly share the debts, the withdrawing partner shall undertake liabilities for paying off the debts of the former partnership; if the withdrawing partner has undertaken the debts of the partnership, he shall still be jointly and severally liable for all the debts during his participation in the partnership.
(54) The partnership property divided when any partner withdraws from the partnership shall include the property invested in the partnership when the partner entered into the partnership and the accumulated property during the existing period of the partnership, as well as the creditor's rights and debts during the exiting period of the partnership. The original things contributed when the partner entered into the partnership shall, as a general rule, be returned when he withdraws from the partnership; if it is difficult to check and return them once for all, they shall be checked and returned by batches and by stages; if it is really difficult to return the original things, they shall be converted into money.
(55) When a partnership terminates, the partnership property shall be handled according to the written agreement, if any; in case there is no written agreement, nor can the partners reach an agreement through negotiation, it shall be properly handled by taking the opinions of the majority partners into consideration, if the partners contribute the same amount of capital; if the amount of capital contributed by the partners is not the identical, the property shall be handled in light of the opinions of the partners whose amount of contribution accounts for a larger portion of the total partnership contributions, but the interests of other partners shall also be protected.
(56) In case the partners collude with each other to evade the debts of the partnership, they shall, in addition to being ordered to undertake the liability for paying off the debts, be punished in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 134 of the General Principles of the Civil Law.
(57) The "liabilities for paying off debts with the partners' property in proportion to their respective contributions to the investment" as prescribed in paragraph 1, Article 35 of the General Principles of the Civil Law shall mean that if a partner contributes with the individual property, he shall undertake liabilities with his own property; if a partner makes contributions by using the common property of the his family, he shall undertake liabilities with the common property of his family; if a partner makes contributions with individual property, and the surplus distribution income of the partnership is used for the living of the family members, he shall undertake liabilities with his individual property first, and then undertake liabilities with the common property of the family for the insufficient part.

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