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Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Regarding the Severe Punishment of Criminals Who Seriously Endanger Public Security [Expired]
全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于严惩严重危害社会治安的犯罪分子的决定 [失效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China

(No. 3)

The Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Regarding the Severe Punishment of Criminals Who Seriously Endanger Public Security, as adopted at the Second Session of the Sixth Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on September 2, 1983, is hereby issued for implementation.

President of the People's Republic of China: Li Xiannian

September 2, 1983

Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Regarding the Severe Punishment of Criminals Who Seriously Endanger Public Security
(Adopted at the Second Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on September 2, 1983)
In order to maintain public security, ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people and safeguard the smooth progress of the socialist construction, it is imperative to subject criminals that seriously endanger public security to severe punishment. To this end it is decided:




中华人民共和国主席 李先念


1. Punishment above the maximum punishment stipulated in the Criminal Law, up to and including death sentences, may be inflicted on the following criminals who seriously endanger public security:
(1) ringleaders of criminal hooligan groups or those who carry lethal weapons to engage in criminal hooligan activities, if the circumstances are serious, or those who engage in criminal hooligan activities leading to especially serious consequences;
(2) whoever intentionally inflicts serious bodily injury upon another person or causes the person's death, if the circumstances are flagrant, or whoever commits violence and injures a state functionary or citizen who has accused, exposed or arrested a criminal or stopped a criminal act;
(3) ringleaders of groups who abduct and traffic in human beings, or whoever abducts and traffics in human beings when the circumstances are especially serious;
(4) whoever illegally manufactures, trades in, transports, steals or forcibly seizes guns, ammunition or explosives, when the circumstances are especially serious or when serious consequences are caused;
(5) whoever organizes reactionary secret societies or uses feudal superstition to carry on counterrevolutionary activities, thereby seriously endangering public security; or
(6) whoever lures or forces a woman into prostitution or shelters her in prostitution, when the circumstances are especially serious.
2. Whoever imparts criminal methods, when the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years; when the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years; and when the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.
3. This Decision shall, upon its promulgation, be applicable to the adjudication of the criminal cases mentioned above.


Article 160. Where an assembled crowd engages in affrays, creates disturbances, humiliates women or engages in other hooligan activities that undermine public order, if the circumstances are flagrant, the offenders shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than seven years, criminal detention or public surveillance.
Ringleaders of hooligan groups shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years.
 第一百六十条 聚众斗殴,寻衅滋事,侮辱妇女或者进行其他流氓活动,破坏公共秩序,情节恶劣的,处七年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。
Article 134. Whoever intentionally inflicts bodily injury upon another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.
Whoever, by committing the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph, causes severe injury to another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years; if he causes a person's death, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years or life imprisonment.
Where this Law has other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.
 第一百三十四条 故意伤害他人身体的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
Article 141. Whoever abducts and traffics in human beings shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years; if the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years.
 第一百四十一条 拐卖人口的,处五年以下有期徒刑;情节严重的,处五年以上有期徒刑。
Article 112. Whoever illegally manufactures, trades in or transports guns or ammunition or steals or forcibly seizes the guns or ammunition of state organs, members of the armed forces, the police or the people's militia shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than seven years; if the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years or life imprisonment.
 第一百一十二条 非法制造、买卖、运输枪支、弹药的,或者盗窃、抢夺国家机关、军警人员、民兵的枪支、弹药的,处七年以下有期徒刑;情节严重的,处七年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑。
Article 99. Whoever organizes or uses feudal superstition, superstitious sects or secret societies to carry on counterrevolutionary activities shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years; if the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights.
 第九十九条 组织、 利用封建迷信、 会道门进行反革命活动的,处五年以上有期徒刑;情节较轻的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。
Article 140. Whoever forces a woman to engage in prostitution shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years.
 第一百四十条 强迫妇女卖淫的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。
Article 169. Whoever, for the purpose of profit, lures women into prostitution or shelters them in prostitution shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or public surveillance; if the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and may concurrently be sentenced to a fine or confiscation of property.

 第一百六十九条 以营利为目的,引诱、容留妇女卖淫的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;情节严重的,处五年以上有期徒刑,可以并处罚金或者没收财产。
【法宝引证码】        北大法宝
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