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Notice of the Labor and Social Security Bureau of Beijing Municipality on Issuing the Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for the Administration of the Declaration and Payment of the Basic Medical Insurance Premium [Effective]
北京市劳动和社会保障局关于印发《北京市基本医疗保险费申报缴纳管理暂行办法》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice of the Labor and Social Security Bureau of Beijing Municipality on Issuing the Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for the Administration of the Declaration and Payment of the Basic Medical Insurance Premium
(No. 27 [2001] of the Labor and Social Security Bureau of Beijing February 28, 2001)
The labor and social security bureaus of all the districts and counties, all commissions, offices, bureaus, head offices (groups), enterprises under separate state planning subordinate to this Municipality, the entities stationed in Beijing by the Central Government, the enterprises stationed by the army in Beijing and all the employing entities:
In order to implement the Regulation of Beijing Municipality on the Basic Medical Insurance (Order No. 68 of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality issued on February 20, 2001), the Labor and Social Security Bureau of Beijing Municipality has formulated the Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for the Administration of Declaration and Payment of the Basic Medical Insurance Premium. They are hereby printed and distributed to you, please study and implement them accordingly.

(京劳社保发[2001]27号 2001年2月28日)

Attachment: Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for the Administration of Declaration and Payment of the Basic Medical Insurance Premium

附件:   北京市基本医疗保险费申报缴纳管理暂行办法

Article 1 In order to do a good job in the declaration and payment of basic medical premium, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulation of Beijing Municipality on the Basic Medical Insurance (Order No. 68 of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality issued on February 20, 2001).
   第一条 为做好基本医疗保险费申报缴纳工作,根据《北京市基本医疗保险规定》(2001年2月20日北京市人民政府令第68号),制定本办法。
Article 2 The basic medical premiums within the administrative area of this Municipality shall be implemented in accordance with the present Measures.
   第二条 本市行政区域内基本医疗保险费的申报缴纳按照本办法执行。
Article 3 The Management Center of Social Insurance Fund of Beijing Municipality shall be responsible for the registration, management and guidance of the declaration and payment of the basic insurance premium; the district or county management centers of social insurance fund and the branches (hereinafter referred to as district or county social insurance fund management institutions) shall be responsible for the concrete operational work of registration, declaration and payment of the basic medical insurance premium of the enterprises, government organs, public institutions and non-governmental organizations (hereinafter referred to as the employing entities).
   第三条 北京市社会保险基金管理中心负责全市基本医疗保险登记和基本医疗保险费申报缴纳管理与指导工作;区、县社会保险基金管理中心及其所属的社会保险经办分支机构(以下简称区、县社保基金管理机构)负责经办本辖区企业、机关、事业单位、社会团体和民办非企业单位(以下简称用人单位)的基本医疗保险登记和基本医疗保险费申报缴纳的具体业务工作。
Article 4 An employing entity that buys the basic medical insurance shall go through the registration formalities in the district or county social insurance fund management institution where the business license of the enterprise is registered, or where the entity is located.
The district or county social insurance fund management institution shall establish a basic information database according to the Social Insurance Registration Form, the Supplemental Social Insurance Registration Form and the Registration Form of the Insurants of Social Insurance filled in by the employing entities, their employees and the retirees (hereinafter referred to as insurants).
   第四条 参加基本医疗保险的用人单位,应按照国家和本市有关社会保险登记的规定,到企业营业执照注册地或单位住所所在地的区、县社保基金管理机构办理基本医疗保险登记手续。
Article 5 In the first quarter of every year, each employing entity shall verify the base of wage for the payment of basic medical insurance in the district or county social insurance fund management institution where the insurance premium is paid. The verification of the payment wage base shall be upon the strength of the following materials:
   第五条 用人单位于每年第一季度,到参保地的区、县社保基金管理机构核定本年度基本医疗保险费缴费工资基数。核定缴费工资基数应持下列材料:
(1) Social Insurance Registration Certificate;
(2) Wage Base Verification Form of Basic Medical Insurance Payment;
(3) Labour Statement (annual statement, Table No. 104).
The specific work of the verification of the payment wage base shall be uniformly arranged by the Management Center of Social Insurance Fund of Beijing Municipality.
Article 6 Where an employing entity hires (employs) the demobilized, retired veterans and those transferred to civilian work, those employed for the first time, the jobless and the persons transferred to Beijing from different regions under unified plans in accordance with the relevant regulations, it shall make the payment wage base timely verified by the district or county social insurance fund management institution where the insurance premium is paid.
   第六条 用人单位按有关规定招聘(用)复员转业退伍军人、初次就业或失业后重新就业人员、跨统筹地区调入人员,应及时到参保地的区、县社保基金管理机构核定缴费工资基数。
Article 7 From the April of each year, an employing entity shall pay the basic medical insurance premium in light of the verified payment wage base. Where an employing entity fails to verify the payment wage base in time, the district or county social insurance fund management institution shall take the average monthly wage of the employees of this Municipality in the previous year as the temporary payment wage base; the employing entity shall, after having gone through the procedures for the determination of the payment wage base, pay the basic medical insurance premium according to the determined payment wage base.
   第七条 自每年4月份起,用人单位按照核定后的缴费工资基数缴纳基本医疗保险费。用人单位未按时核定缴费工资基数的,由区、县社保基金管理机构暂按上一年本市职工月平均工资核定职工的缴费工资基数;用人单位补办核定缴费工资基数手续后,从核定的次月起,按照核定的缴费工资基数缴纳基本医疗保险费。
Article 8 The basic medical insurance premium shall be paid every month. On the first day of each month, the district or county social insurance fund management institution shall determine the amount of the payable basic medical insurance premium of the current month according to the time-point information in the database of each employing entity. Where it is necessary to make up or refund the premium, the district or county social insurance fund management institution shall determine the actual payable amount of the employing entity after adding the amount to be made up to or deducting the refund from the payable basic medical insurance premium of the current month.
   第八条 基本医疗保险费按月缴纳。每月1日区、县社保基金管理机构根据用人单位上月职工信息库的时点信息,核定用人单位当月基本医疗保险费应缴数额。有补缴或退费的,其应补缴或退费的数额与当月应缴纳的基本医疗保险费进行补扣计算后,核定用人单位当月实际应缴纳的数额。
Article 9 From the second day of every month, the basic medical insurance premium of an employing entity shall be withheld and remitted by the bank entrusted by the district or county social insurance fund management institution.
   第九条 自每月2日起,用人单位应缴纳的基本医疗保险费由区、县社保基金管理机构委托银行代为扣缴。用人单位也可以用支票或现金缴纳。
Article 10 When the employing entity increases or reduces the number of the insurants, it shall go through the formalities for the increase and reduction of the insurants in the district or county social insurance fund management institution where the insurance premium is paid upon the strength of the Social Insurance Registration Certificate.
   第十条 用人单位发生参保人员增减变化时,应在每月2日至月末期间持《社会保险登记证》到参保地的区、县社保基金管理机构办理参保人员增减手续。
Article 11 An employing entity shall go through the formalities for the increase and reduction of the insurants in the local district or county social insurance fund management institution in accordance with the requirements provided for in Article 10 of the present Measures under any of the following circumstances:
   第十一条 有下列情形之一的,用人单位根据本办法第十条的规定到参保地的区、县社保基金管理机构办理参保人员增加手续:

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