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Provisions on the Administration of Insurance Companies (2009) [Revised]
保险公司管理规定(2009) [已被修订]

Order of China Insurance Regulatory Commission
(No.1 [2009])
The Provisions on the Administration of Insurance Companies, which were deliberated and adopted at the chairman's executive meeting of China Insurance Regulatory Commission on September 18, 2009, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on October 1, 2009.
Chairman Wu Dingfu
September 25, 2009
Provisions on the Administration of Insurance Companies



主席  吴定富
Chapter I General Provisions 


第一章 总则

Article 1 To strengthen the supervision and administration of insurance companies, maintain the normal order of the insurance market, protect the legitimate rights and interests of insurants, and promote the healthy development of the insurance sector, these Provisions are formulated according to the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Insurance Law), the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Company Law) and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.
   第一条 为了加强对保险公司的监督管理,维护保险市场的正常秩序,保护被保险人合法权益,促进保险业健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》(以下简称《保险法》)、《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) shall, within the scope of authorization of the State Council, supervise and administer insurance companies according to law.
The dispatched offices of the CIRC shall fulfill the duties of supervision and administration within the scope of authorization of the CIRC.
   第二条 中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)根据法律和国务院授权,对保险公司实行统一监督管理。
Article 3 The term “insurance companies” in these Provisions refers to commercial insurance companies established upon the approval of the insurance regulatory bodies and registered according to law.
The term “branch offices of insurance companies” in these Provisions refers to the branch companies, central sub-branch companies, sub-branch companies, business departments, marketing services departments and all sorts of special-purpose institutions established by insurance companies upon the approval of the insurance regulatory bodies. The provisions on the establishment and administration of special-purpose institutions will be formulated by the CIRC separately.
The term “insurance institutions” in these Provisions refers to insurance companies and their branch offices.
   第三条 本规定所称保险公司,是指经保险监督管理机构批准设立,并依法登记注册的商业保险公司。
Article 4 The term “branch companies” in these Provisions refers to the branch offices established by insurance companies and named as branch companies.
The term “provincial branch companies” in these Provisions refers to the branch companies established by insurance companies in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government according to the regulatory requirements of the CIRC for permit application, report submission and other issues. An insurance company which has established branch companies in provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government other than the place of domicile shall appoint one of them as the provincial branch company. An insurance company which has established branch companies in any province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government other than its place of domicile shall appoint one of them as the provincial branch company.
An insurance company which has established branch offices in a city under separate state planning shall appoint one to be responsible for permit application, report submission and other issues in the city under separate state planning according to the regulatory requirements of the CIRC.
Where an insurance company establishes a provincial branch company in a city under separate state planning, the provincial branch company shall be responsible for the issues mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs.
   第四条 本规定所称分公司,是指保险公司依法设立的以分公司命名的分支机构。
Article 5 Insurance business can only be operated by insurance companies established according to the Insurance Law and other insurance organizations specified by laws and administrative regulations. No other entity or individual may directly or indirectly operate the insurance business.
   第五条 保险业务由依照《保险法》设立的保险公司以及法律、行政法规规定的其他保险组织经营,其他单位和个人不得经营或者变相经营保险业务。
Chapter II Formation of Corporate Institutions

第二章 法人机构设立

Article 6 Insurance companies shall be formed under the principles of:
   第六条 设立保险公司,应当遵循下列原则:
1. abiding by laws and administrative regulations; and
2. doing good to the fair competition and healthy development of the insurance sector.
Article 7 To form an insurance company, an application for formation preparation shall be filed with the CIRC, and the following conditions shall be met:
   第七条 设立保险公司,应当向中国保监会提出筹建申请,并符合下列条件:
1. having investors that satisfy the conditions specified by laws, administrative regulations and the CIRC provisions, and having a reasonable equity structure;
2. having the draft bylaws described in the Insurance Law and the Company Law;
3. the investors have promised to make financial contributions or buy shares, the registered capital is not less than 200 million yuan, and the registered capital is paid-in monetary capital;
4. having specific development plans, business strategies, institutional framework and risk control system;
5. its president and general manager to be meet the competence requirements of the CIRC;
6. the person in charge of the formation preparation group has been approved by investors; and
7. other conditions set out by the CIRC.
The CIRC may adjust the minimum amount of registered capital of an insurance company according to the business scope or scale of the company, provided that the amount shall not be less than 200 million yuan.
Article 8 To apply for preparing for the formation of an insurance company, the applicant shall submit the following materials in triplicate:
   第八条 申请筹建保险公司的,申请人应当提交下列材料一式三份:
1. an application form for formation, which shall bear the name, registered capital and business scope of the insurance company to be formed;
2. a feasibility study report on the formation of the insurance company, including the development plans, business strategies, institutional framework and risk control system of the company;
3. a formation preparation plan;
4. the draft bylaws of the company;
5. the materials that shall be submitted by investors as specified by the CIRC;
6. a list of the person in charge of the formation preparation group, the president and the general manager, and their certifications on consent; and
7. other materials as specified by the CIRC.
Article 9 The CIRC shall examine the application for preparing for the formation of an insurance company, make a decision of approval or disapproval within six months after accepting the application and notify the applicant of the decision in writing. In the case of disapproval, reasons shall be given in writing.
   第九条 中国保监会应当对筹建保险公司的申请进行审查,自受理申请之日起6个月内作出批准或者不批准筹建的决定,并书面通知申请人。决定不批准的,应当书面说明理由。
Article 10 The CIRC shall, during the period when examining the application for preparing for the formation of an insurance company, give risk tips to the investors of the company.
The CIRC shall hear the working schemes of the president and the general manager of the insurance company to be formed with regard to the operation, management and development of the company.
   第十条 中国保监会在对筹建保险公司的申请进行审查期间,应当对投资人进行风险提示。
Article 11 Where the CIRC approves the application for preparing for the formation of an insurance company, the applicant shall finish the preparatory work within one year after receiving the approval notice. Otherwise, the approval decision shall automatically become void.
The formation preparatory institution may not engage in insurance operations during the preparatory period. It is prohibited to change the principal investor during the preparatory period.
   第十一条 经中国保监会批准筹建保险公司的,申请人应当自收到批准筹建通知之日起1年内完成筹建工作。筹建期间届满未完成筹建工作的,原批准筹建决定自动失效。
Article 12 After the preparatory work is done, the applicant can apply to the CIRC for starting business preconditioned by satisfying the following conditions:
   第十二条 筹建工作完成后,符合下列条件的,申请人可以向中国保监会提出开业申请:
1. its shareholders meet the requirements prescribed in laws, administrative regulations and the CIRC provisions;
2. it has the bylaws described in the Insurance Law and the Company Law;
3. its registered capital is not less than 200 million or more and is paid-in monetary capital;
4. its directors, supervisors and senior managers meet the competence requirements specified by the CIRC;
5. it has a good institutional framework;
6. it has established sound rules for business operations, accounting affairs, regulation compliance, risk control, assets management, anti-money laundering, etc.;
7. it has specific development plans and has made mid- and long-term assets disposition plans according to the asset-liability matching principle and other relevant principles;
8. it has a legal business office, its safety and firefighting facilities reach the prescribed standards, its business office and office equipment meet the requirements of its development plans, and its information system building meets the CIRC requirements; and
9. other conditions specified by laws, administrative regulations and the CIRC provisions.
Article 13 To apply for starting business, the applicant shall submit the following materials in triplicate:
   第十三条 申请人提出开业申请,应当提交下列材料一式三份:
1. an application form for starting business;
2. a decision of the founding assembly or, in the absence of which, a form or decision on all shareholders' consent to the application for starting business;
3. the bylaws;
4. the name of each shareholder and the proportion of the shareholder's shares or investment, a capital assessment certification issued by a capital assessment institution with a good credit standing, and a photocopy of the source document on the entry of capital into the account;
5. the materials that shall be submitted by shareholders as specified by the CIRC;
6. the resumes and certificates of the directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company;
7. the setup and basic personnel composition of the company;
8. a certificate on the ownership of or the right to use the business office;
9. the firefighting certificate submitted according to the requirements at the place where it is to be formed;
10. the prospectuses of insurance products which the company is about to sell, a three-year business operation plan, a reinsurance plan, the mid- and long-term assets disposition plans and the rules for business operations, accounting affairs, regulation compliance, risk control, assets management, anti-money laundering, etc.;
11. a report on its information system building;
12. a company name pre-approval notice; and
13. other materials as specified by the CIRC.
Article 14 The CIRC shall examine the application for starting business, make a check for that purpose and, within 60 days after accepting the application, make a decision of approval or disapproval. If a decision of approval is made after it passes the check, the CIRC shall issue an insurance business operation permit to the applicant; if a decision of disapproval is made after it fails to pass the check, the CIRC shall notify the applicant in writing and give reasons.
An insurance company approved to start business shall handle the registration formalities at the administrative department for industry and commerce upon the strength of the approval document and the insurance business operation license, and may not operate business before getting the business license.
   第十四条 中国保监会应当审查开业申请,进行开业验收,并自受理开业申请之日起60日内作出批准或者不批准开业的决定。验收合格决定批准开业的,颁发经营保险业务许可证;验收不合格决定不批准开业的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。
Chapter III Establishment of Branch Offices

第三章 分支机构设立

Article 15 Insurance companies can apply for setting up branch offices for business development.
The branch offices of insurance companies are classified into four levels: branch companies, central sub-branch companies, sub-branch companies, and business departments or marketing services departments. Insurance companies are not required to set up branch offices level by level. However, where an insurance company needs to operate business in any province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government other than its place of domicile, it shall set up a branch company prior to any other branch office at that place.
Insurance companies are not required to manage their branch offices level by level, but business departments or marketing services departments have no power to manage other branch offices.
   第十五条 保险公司可以根据业务发展需要申请设立分支机构。
Article 16 Where an insurance company formed with the minimum registered capital of 200 million yuan applies for setting up a branch company in a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government other than its place of domicile, 20 million yuan shall be added to the registered capital at least.
If the registered capital of the insurance company reaches the amount after addition as required under the above-mentioned circumstances at the time when it applies for setting up a branch company, it is not required to add the registered capital any more.
If the registered capital of the insurance company reaches 500 million yuan, it is not required to add the registered capital for the purpose of setting up branch companies as long as it remains solvent.
   第十六条 保险公司以2亿元人民币的最低资本金额设立的,在其住所地以外的每一省、自治区、直辖市首次申请设立分公司,应当增加不少于人民币2千万元的注册资本。
Article 17 The application for setting up a provincial branch company shall be filed by the head office of the insurance company. The application for setting up any other branch office shall be filed by the head office of the insurance company or by a provincial branch company with the approval document of the head office.
The application for setting up a branch office in a city under separate state planning can also be filed by a branch office designated by the insurance company under Paragraph 3 of Article 4 of these Provisions with the approval document of the head office.
   第十七条 设立省级分公司,由保险公司总公司提出申请;设立其他分支机构,由保险公司总公司提出申请,或者由省级分公司持总公司批准文件提出申请。
Article 18 To set up a branch office, an insurance company shall submit an application and satisfy the following conditions:
   第十八条 设立分支机构,应当提出设立申请,并符合下列条件:
1. it remains solvent in the last year and for two consecutive quarters before application;
2. it has a good corporate governance structure and a good internal control system;
3. it has good branch office management rules;
4. it has fully demonstrated the feasibility of the formation of the branch office;
5. if the branch office is not a provincial branch company and is to be set up in a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government other than the place of domicile of the insurance company, the provincial branch company at that place shall have already started business;
6. it has not received any serious administrative penalty from the financial regulatory body in the last two years, and it is not under investigation by the CIRC for being suspected of being involved in any serious violation;

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