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Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国数据安全法 [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 84) (第八十四号)

The Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 29th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on June 10, 2021, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on September 1, 2021. 《中华人民共和国数据安全法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议于2021年6月10日通过,现予公布,自2021年9月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
June 10, 2021 2021年6月10日
Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国数据安全法
(Adopted at the 29th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on June 10, 2021) (2021年6月10日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议通过)
Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Data Security and Development 第二章 数据安全与发展
Chapter III Data Security Systems 第三章 数据安全制度
Chapter IV Data Security Protection Obligations 第四章 数据安全保护义务
Chapter V Security and Public Availability of Government Data 第五章 政务数据安全与开放
Chapter VI Legal Liability 第六章 法律责任
Chapter VII Supplemental Provisions 第七章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of regulating data processing activities, safeguarding data security, promoting data development and utilization, protecting the lawful rights and interests of individuals and organizations, and maintaining national sovereignty, security, and development interests.   第一条 为了规范数据处理活动,保障数据安全,促进数据开发利用,保护个人、组织的合法权益,维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to data processing activities and the security supervision thereof conducted in the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内开展数据处理活动及其安全监管,适用本法。
Those that conduct data processing activities outside the territory of the People's Republic of China to the detriment of the national security, public interest, or lawful rights and interests of citizens and organizations of the People's Republic of China shall be held legally liable in accordance with the law. 在中华人民共和国境外开展数据处理活动,损害中华人民共和国国家安全、公共利益或者公民、组织合法权益的,依法追究法律责任。
Article 3 For the purposes of this Law, "data" means any record of information in electronic or any other form.   第三条 本法所称数据,是指任何以电子或者其他方式对信息的记录。
"Data processing" includes but is not limited to the collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, and public disclosure of data. 数据处理,包括数据的收集、存储、使用、加工、传输、提供、公开等。
"Data security" means that necessary measures are taken to ensure the state of effective protection and lawful utilization of data and have the capability to safeguard the continuing state of security. 数据安全,是指通过采取必要措施,确保数据处于有效保护和合法利用的状态,以及具备保障持续安全状态的能力。
Article 4 In the maintenance of data security, a holistic approach to national security shall be adhered to, a data security governance system shall be established and improved, and the capability to safeguard data security shall be enhanced.   第四条 维护数据安全,应当坚持总体国家安全观,建立健全数据安全治理体系,提高数据安全保障能力。
Article 5 The central leading body for national security shall be responsible for coordinating the policymaking and deliberations on national data security work, researching, developing, guiding the implementation of national data security strategies and relevant major guidelines and policies, conducting overall coordination of significant affairs and important tasks concerning national data security, and establishing a national data security work coordination mechanism.   第五条 中央国家安全领导机构负责国家数据安全工作的决策和议事协调,研究制定、指导实施国家数据安全战略和有关重大方针政策,统筹协调国家数据安全的重大事项和重要工作,建立国家数据安全工作协调机制。
Article 6 Each region or department shall be responsible for the data collected and generated in its work and the data security.   第六条 各地区、各部门对本地区、本部门工作中收集和产生的数据及数据安全负责。
Industrial sector, telecommunications, transportation, finance, natural resources, health, education, science and technology, and other departments shall undertake the duty to supervise data security in their respective industries and fields. 工业、电信、交通、金融、自然资源、卫生健康、教育、科技等主管部门承担本行业、本领域数据安全监管职责。
Public security authorities and national security authorities, among others, shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and relevant laws and administrative regulations, undertake the duty to supervise data security within their respective purviews. 公安机关、国家安全机关等依照本法和有关法律、行政法规的规定,在各自职责范围内承担数据安全监管职责。
The national cyberspace authority shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and relevant laws and administrative regulations, be responsible for conducting overall coordination of cyber data security and related supervision work. 国家网信部门依照本法和有关法律、行政法规的规定,负责统筹协调网络数据安全和相关监管工作。
Article 7 The state shall protect the data-related rights and interests of individuals and organizations, encourage the lawful, reasonable and effective utilization of data, safeguard the orderly and free flow of data in accordance with the law, and promote the development of a digital economy with data as a key factor.   第七条 国家保护个人、组织与数据有关的权益,鼓励数据依法合理有效利用,保障数据依法有序自由流动,促进以数据为关键要素的数字经济发展。
Article 8 When conducting data processing activities, one shall comply with laws and regulations, respect social norms and ethics, observe business and professional ethics, act in good faith, perform data security protection obligations, and undertake social responsibilities, and shall neither compromise national security and public interest nor harm the lawful rights and interests of any organization or individual.   第八条 开展数据处理活动,应当遵守法律、法规,尊重社会公德和伦理,遵守商业道德和职业道德,诚实守信,履行数据安全保护义务,承担社会责任,不得危害国家安全、公共利益,不得损害个人、组织的合法权益。
Article 9 The state shall support the publicity and dissemination of knowledge on data security, raise the awareness and level of data security protection in the whole society, and push relevant departments, industry organizations, scientific research institutions, enterprises, and individuals, among others, to jointly participate in data security protection work, so as to create a favorable environment for the whole society to jointly maintain data security and promote development.   第九条 国家支持开展数据安全知识宣传普及,提高全社会的数据安全保护意识和水平,推动有关部门、行业组织、科研机构、企业、个人等共同参与数据安全保护工作,形成全社会共同维护数据安全和促进发展的良好环境。
Article 10 A relevant industry organization shall, in accordance with its articles of association, formulate a code of conduct and group standards for data security in accordance with the law, strengthen industry self-regulation, guide members in strengthening data security protection, improve the level of data security protection, and promote the sound development of the industry.   第十条 相关行业组织按照章程,依法制定数据安全行为规范和团体标准,加强行业自律,指导会员加强数据安全保护,提高数据安全保护水平,促进行业健康发展。
Article 11 The state shall proactively engage in international exchanges and cooperation in data security governance, data development and utilization, and other fields, participate in the formulation of international rules and standards related to data security, and promote the secure and free cross-border flow of data.   第十一条 国家积极开展数据安全治理、数据开发利用等领域的国际交流与合作,参与数据安全相关国际规则和标准的制定,促进数据跨境安全、自由流动。
Article 12 Any individual or organization shall have the right to complain and report to an appropriate department on a violation of this Law. The department that receives the complaint or report shall handle it in a timely manner in accordance with the law.   第十二条 任何个人、组织都有权对违反本法规定的行为向有关主管部门投诉、举报。收到投诉、举报的部门应当及时依法处理。
The appropriate department shall keep confidential the relevant information on the complainant or reporting person, and protect the lawful rights and interests of the complainant or reporting person. 有关主管部门应当对投诉、举报人的相关信息予以保密,保护投诉、举报人的合法权益。
Chapter II Data Security and Development 

第二章 数据安全与发展

Article 13 The state shall coordinate development and security, and adhere to promoting data security with data development and utilization and industry development and safeguarding data development and utilization and industry development with data security.   第十三条 国家统筹发展和安全,坚持以数据开发利用和产业发展促进数据安全,以数据安全保障数据开发利用和产业发展。
Article 14 The state shall implement a big data strategy, advance the construction of data infrastructure, and encourage and support the innovative application of data in various industries and fields.   第十四条 国家实施大数据战略,推进数据基础设施建设,鼓励和支持数据在各行业、各领域的创新应用。
The people's government at or above the provincial level shall incorporate the development of a digital economy into the national economic and social development plan at the level, and formulate a general plan on digital economy development as needed. 省级以上人民政府应当将数字经济发展纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,并根据需要制定数字经济发展规划。
Article 15 The state shall support the development and utilization of data to improve the intelligence level of public services. In the provision of intelligent public services, the needs of the elderly and the disabled shall be fully considered to avoid creating obstacles to their daily life.   第十五条 国家支持开发利用数据提升公共服务的智能化水平。提供智能化公共服务,应当充分考虑老年人、残疾人的需求,避免对老年人、残疾人的日常生活造成障碍。
Article 16 The state shall support the technological research on data security and data development and utilization, encourage technological promotion and commercial innovation in the fields of data development and utilization and data security, among others, and cultivate and develop data development and utilization and data security product and industry systems.   第十六条 国家支持数据开发利用和数据安全技术研究,鼓励数据开发利用和数据安全等领域的技术推广和商业创新,培育、发展数据开发利用和数据安全产品、产业体系。
Article 17 The state shall advance the construction of the data development and utilization technology and data security standards system. The standardization department of the State Council and the relevant departments of the State Council shall, within their respective purviews, organize the formulation and timely revision of standards related to data development and utilization technology and products and data security. The state shall support enterprises, social groups, and educational and scientific research institutions, among others, in participating in the formulation of standards.   第十七条 国家推进数据开发利用技术和数据安全标准体系建设。国务院标准化行政主管部门和国务院有关部门根据各自的职责,组织制定并适时修订有关数据开发利用技术、产品和数据安全相关标准。国家支持企业、社会团体和教育、科研机构等参与标准制定。
Article 18 The state shall promote the development of data security testing, assessment, certification, and other services, and support data security testing, assessment, certification, and other professional institutions in conducting service activities in accordance with the law.   第十八条 国家促进数据安全检测评估、认证等服务的发展,支持数据安全检测评估、认证等专业机构依法开展服务活动。
The state shall support the collaboration of relevant departments, industry organizations, enterprises, educational and scientific research institutions, and relevant professional institutions in the assessment, prevention, and disposition, among others, of data security risks. 国家支持有关部门、行业组织、企业、教育和科研机构、有关专业机构等在数据安全风险评估、防范、处置等方面开展协作。
Article 19 The state shall establish and improve a data trading management system, regulate the conduct of data trading, and cultivate data trading markets.   第十九条 国家建立健全数据交易管理制度,规范数据交易行为,培育数据交易市场。
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