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Order of the President of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国主席令 |
(No. 17) | | (第十七号) |
The Grain Security Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 29, 2023, is hereby issued and shall come into force on June 1, 2024. | | 《中华人民共和国粮食安全保障法》已由中华人民共和国第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议于2023年12月29日通过,现予公布,自2024年6月1日起施行。 |
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 |
December 29, 2023 | | 2023年12月29日 |
Grain Security Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国粮食安全保障法 |
(Adopted at the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress on December 29, 2023) | | (2023年12月29日第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议通过) |
Contents | | 目录 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Chapter II Protection of Cultivated Land | | 第二章 耕地保护 |
Chapter III Grain Production | | 第三章 粮食生产 |
Chapter IV Grain Reserve | | 第四章 粮食储备 |
Chapter V Grain Circulation | | 第五章 粮食流通 |
Chapter VI Grain Processing | | 第六章 粮食加工 |
Chapter VII Grain Emergency | | 第七章 粮食应急 |
Chapter VIII Grain Conservation | | 第八章 粮食节约 |
Chapter IX Supervision and Administration | | 第九章 监督管理 |
Chapter X Legal Liability | | 第十章 法律责任 |
Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions | | 第十一章 附则 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of guaranteeing effective grain supply, ensuring national grain security, improving the ability to prevent and resist grain security risks, and maintaining economic and social stability and national security. | | 第一条 为了保障粮食有效供给,确保国家粮食安全,提高防范和抵御粮食安全风险能力,维护经济社会稳定和国家安全,根据宪法,制定本法。 |
Article 2 In the course of the national grain security work, the state is required to follow the leadership of the Communist Party of China, implement the overall national security concept, coordinate development and security, implement the national grain security strategy featuring self-sufficiency based on domestic grain production, guaranteed grain production capacity, moderate imports, and scientific and technological support, insist on the food crop production strategy based on farmland management and application of technology, and improve the capacity of grain production, storage, circulation, and processing, and ensure basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute security of staple food. | | 第二条 国家粮食安全工作坚持中国共产党的领导,贯彻总体国家安全观,统筹发展和安全,实施以我为主、立足国内、确保产能、适度进口、科技支撑的国家粮食安全战略,坚持藏粮于地、藏粮于技,提高粮食生产、储备、流通、加工能力,确保谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全。 |
To ensure national grain security, the state needs to adopt an all-encompassing approach to food, establish a diversified food supply system, and develop food resources in an all-round and multi-channel way, to meet the people's consumption demand for food that is rich in variety, of high quality, abundant in nutrition and good for health. | | 保障国家粮食安全应当树立大食物观,构建多元化食物供给体系,全方位、多途径开发食物资源,满足人民群众对食物品种丰富多样、品质营养健康的消费需求。 |
Article 3 The state shall establish a responsibility system for grain security and ensure that both Party committees and governments assume responsibility for grain security. The local people's governments at or above the county level shall assume the specific responsibility for ensuring grain security in respective administrative regions. | | 第三条 国家建立粮食安全责任制,实行粮食安全党政同责。县级以上地方人民政府应当承担保障本行政区域粮食安全的具体责任。 |
The development and reform, natural resources, agriculture and rural affairs, grain and reserves, and other competent departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with this law and the functions prescribed, cooperate with each other and effectively carry out the grain security guarantee work. | | 县级以上人民政府发展改革、自然资源、农业农村、粮食和储备等主管部门依照本法和规定的职责,协同配合,做好粮食安全保障工作。 |
Article 4 The state shall strengthen the macro-control of grain, optimize the structure and regional distribution of grain varieties, make overall use of domestic and international markets and resources, build a scientific, rational, safe and efficient grain supply guarantee system, and improve the grain supply capacity, quality and safety. | | 第四条 国家加强粮食宏观调控,优化粮食品种结构和区域布局,统筹利用国内、国际的市场和资源,构建科学合理、安全高效的粮食供给保障体系,提升粮食供给能力和质量安全。 |
The state shall strengthen international cooperation on grain security and maximize the role of international grain trade. | | 国家加强国际粮食安全合作,发挥粮食国际贸易作用。 |
Article 5 The people's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate grain security guarantee into the national economic and social development plans. The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the objectives and tasks of grain security guarantee, develop special plans related to grain security guarantee and implement them after approval under the procedures. | | 第五条 县级以上人民政府应当将粮食安全保障纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。县级以上人民政府有关部门应当根据粮食安全保障目标、任务等,编制粮食安全保障相关专项规划,按照程序批准后实施。 |
Article 6 The state shall establish and improve the funding mechanism for grain security guarantee, adopt fiscal and financial support policies to strengthen grain security guarantee, improve the coordination and guarantee mechanism for grain production, purchase, storage, transportation, processing and sale, build an industrial belt for national grain security, mobilize the enthusiasm of grain producers and local people's governments in protecting cultivated land, growing grain, and effectively completing the grain security guarantee work, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, promote high-quality development of the grain industry, and enhance the state's capacity for grain security guarantee. | | 第六条 国家建立健全粮食安全保障投入机制,采取财政、金融等支持政策加强粮食安全保障,完善粮食生产、收购、储存、运输、加工、销售协同保障机制,建设国家粮食安全产业带,调动粮食生产者和地方人民政府保护耕地、种粮、做好粮食安全保障工作的积极性,全面推进乡村振兴,促进粮食产业高质量发展,增强国家粮食安全保障能力。 |
The state shall guide private investors to invest in grain production, storage, circulation, processing and other fields, and protect their legitimate rights and interests. | | 国家引导社会资本投入粮食生产、储备、流通、加工等领域,并保障其合法权益。 |
The state shall guide financial institutions to rationally introduce financial products and services to support grain production, reserve, circulation and processing. The state shall improve the policy-based agricultural insurance system and encourage commercial insurance business. | | 国家引导金融机构合理推出金融产品和服务,为粮食生产、储备、流通、加工等提供支持。国家完善政策性农业保险制度,鼓励开展商业性保险业务。 |
Article 7 The state shall strengthen scientific and technological innovation capacity and IT application in grain security, support basic research, research and development of key technologies and standardization in the grain field, improve mechanisms for training, evaluation and incentives of scientific and technological talents, promote the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements and the popularization and use of advanced technologies and equipment, and improve the scientific and technological support capacity and application level of grain production, reserve, circulation and processing. | | 第七条 国家加强粮食安全科技创新能力和信息化建设,支持粮食领域基础研究、关键技术研发和标准化工作,完善科技人才培养、评价和激励等机制,促进科技创新成果转化和先进技术、设备的推广使用,提高粮食生产、储备、流通、加工的科技支撑能力和应用水平。 |
Article 8 The people's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall strengthen grain security publicity and education by various forms, raise the awareness of grain security in the whole society, and guide the formation of sound good fashion of cherishing grain and saving grain. | | 第八条 各级人民政府及有关部门应当采取多种形式加强粮食安全宣传教育,提升全社会粮食安全意识,引导形成爱惜粮食、节约粮食的良好风尚。 |
Article 9 Entities and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the grain security guarantee work of the state shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant rules of the state. | | 第九条 对在国家粮食安全保障工作中做出突出贡献的单位和个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰和奖励。 |
Chapter II Protection of Cultivated Land | | 第二章 耕地保护 |
Article 10 The state shall regulate the use of territorial space under the territorial spatial planning, make overall planning and layout of such functional space as agricultural, ecological, and urban areas, designate and implement the red line for the protection of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, the red line for ecological protection and the boundary for urban development, and strictly protect cultivated land. | | 第十条 国家实施国土空间规划下的国土空间用途管制,统筹布局农业、生态、城镇等功能空间,划定落实耕地和永久基本农田保护红线、生态保护红线和城镇开发边界,严格保护耕地。 |
The State Council shall determine tasks for the protection of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The local people's governments at or above the county level shall ensure that the total amount of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland within their respective administrative regions is not reduced and their quality is improved. | | 国务院确定省、自治区、直辖市人民政府耕地和永久基本农田保护任务。县级以上地方人民政府应当确保本行政区域内耕地和永久基本农田总量不减少、质量有提高。 |
The state shall establish a compensation system for protection of cultivated land to mobilize the enthusiasm of the subjects responsible for the protection of cultivated land in the protection of cultivated land. | | 国家建立耕地保护补偿制度,调动耕地保护责任主体保护耕地的积极性。 |
Article 11 The state shall implement a compensation system for occupation of cultivated land and strictly control all types of behaviors of occupying cultivated land; and where it is really necessary to occupy cultivated land, the responsibility for supplementing cultivated land shall be implemented in accordance with the law, so as to supplement cultivated land equal in quantity and quality to the cultivated land occupied. | | 第十一条 国家实行占用耕地补偿制度,严格控制各类占用耕地行为;确需占用耕地的,应当依法落实补充耕地责任,补充与所占用耕地数量相等、质量相当的耕地。 |
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall organize the departments of natural resources and the departments of agriculture and rural affairs of the people's governments at the corresponding levels to determine the quantity of supplementary cultivated land, inspect the quality of supplementary cultivated land, and strengthen the tracking and evaluation of the quality of cultivated land. | | 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当组织本级人民政府自然资源主管部门、农业农村主管部门对补充耕地的数量进行认定、对补充耕地的质量进行验收,并加强耕地质量跟踪评价。 |
Article 12 The state shall strictly control the conversion of cultivated land into woodland, grassland, garden land and other agricultural land. Illegal occupation of cultivated land for afforestation and lake digging for landscaping shall be prohibited. It is forbidden to expand the scope of restoration of farmland beyond the plan for returning marginal farmland to forest and grassland approved by the state. | | 第十二条 国家严格控制耕地转为林地、草地、园地等其他农用地。禁止违规占用耕地绿化造林、挖湖造景等行为。禁止在国家批准的退耕还林还草计划外擅自扩大退耕范围。 |
Article 13 Cultivated land shall be mainly used for the production of grain, cotton, oil, sugar, vegetables and other agricultural products and forage fodder. The local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the objectives and tasks of ensuring the supply of grain and important agricultural products, strengthen the control over the use of cultivated land for planting, implement the priorities for the utilization of cultivated land, and adjust and optimize the planting structure. Specific measures shall be developed by the competent department of agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council. | | 第十三条 耕地应当主要用于粮食和棉、油、糖、蔬菜等农产品及饲草饲料生产。县级以上地方人民政府应当根据粮食和重要农产品保供目标任务,加强耕地种植用途管控,落实耕地利用优先序,调整优化种植结构。具体办法由国务院农业农村主管部门制定。 |
The competent department of agriculture and rural affairs of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen routine supervision over the control over the planting purpose of cultivated land. Villagers' committees and rural collective economic organizations that find any violation of the requirements for control over the planting purpose of cultivated land shall report it to the township people's governments or the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs of the county people's governments in a timely manner. | | 县级以上地方人民政府农业农村主管部门应当加强耕地种植用途管控日常监督。村民委员会、农村集体经济组织发现违反耕地种植用途管控要求行为的,应当及时向乡镇人民政府或者县级人民政府农业农村主管部门报告。 |
Article 14 The state shall establish a strict system for the protection of cultivated land quality, strengthen the construction of high-standard farmland, and, in accordance with the requirements for attaching importance to both quantity and quality, systematic promotion and sustainable utilization, insist on the principles of government leadership and social participation, overall planning and step-by-step implementation, and combination of use and maintenance, and attaching equal importance to construction and management, improve the diversified funding guarantee mechanism, and improve the construction standards and quality. | | 第十四条 国家建立严格的耕地质量保护制度,加强高标准农田建设,按照量质并重、系统推进、永续利用的要求,坚持政府主导与社会参与、统筹规划与分步实施、用养结合与建管并重的原则,健全完善多元投入保障机制,提高建设标准和质量。 |
Article 15 The people's governments at or above the county level shall establish a monitoring network for cultivated land quality and planting purpose, carry out investigations, monitoring and evaluation of cultivated land quality, take measures such as soil improvement, soil fertility cultivation, and treatment and restoration, improve the productivity of fields with medium and low yield, control degraded cultivated land, strengthen the construction and transformation of large and medium-sized irrigated areas, and improve the quality of cultivated land. | | 第十五条 县级以上人民政府应当建立耕地质量和种植用途监测网络,开展耕地质量调查和监测评价,采取土壤改良、地力培肥、治理修复等措施,提高中低产田产能,治理退化耕地,加强大中型灌区建设与改造,提升耕地质量。 |
The state shall establish a black land protection system to protect the fine production capacity of black land. | | 国家建立黑土地保护制度,保护黑土地的优良生产能力。 |
The state shall establish and improve the system for cultivated land rotation and fallow, encourage scientific return of crop straw to the fields, and strengthen the construction of farmland protection forest; and support the promotion of green and efficient grain production technologies and promote the improvement of the ecological environment and the sustainable use of resources. | | 国家建立健全耕地轮作休耕制度,鼓励农作物秸秆科学还田,加强农田防护林建设;支持推广绿色、高效粮食生产技术,促进生态环境改善和资源永续利用。 |
Article 16 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall promote the governance of abandoned land according to local conditions in a classified manner, and take measures to guide the resumption of cultivation of arable land. A contract-awarding party of household contracting may use abandoned land for agricultural production by organizing alternate farming and planting and other means in accordance with the law. | | 第十六条 县级以上地方人民政府应当因地制宜、分类推进撂荒地治理,采取措施引导复耕。家庭承包的发包方可以依法通过组织代耕代种等形式将撂荒地用于农业生产。 |
Article 17 The state shall promote the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land, develop relevant plans and supporting policies, encourage and guide investment of private investors, explore the development and utilization potentiality of saline-alkali land, carry out treatment and improvement of saline-alkali land in different areas in a classified manner, accelerate the selection of saline-alkali resistant varieties, promote effective practices for improving saline-alkali land, and curb the saline-alkali trend of cultivated land. | | 第十七条 国家推动盐碱地综合利用,制定相关规划和支持政策,鼓励和引导社会资本投入,挖掘盐碱地开发利用潜力,分区分类开展盐碱耕地治理改良,加快选育耐盐碱特色品种,推广改良盐碱地有效做法,遏制耕地盐碱化趋势。 |
Chapter III Grain Production | | 第三章 粮食生产 |
Article 18 The state shall promote the revitalization of the seed industry, maintain the safety of the seed industry, and promote the high-quality development of the seed industry. | | 第十八条 国家推进种业振兴,维护种业安全,推动种业高质量发展。 |
The state shall strengthen the protection, development and utilization of grain crop germplasm resources, build a national base of agricultural germplasm resources, improve the national system for breeding of improved varieties, promote the informationization construction for the protection and management of grain crop germplasm resources, and improve the capacity of seed supply guarantee. | | 国家加强粮食作物种质资源保护开发利用,建设国家农业种质资源库,健全国家良种繁育体系,推进粮食作物种质资源保护与管理信息化建设,提升供种保障能力。 |
The state shall strengthen the protection of the right to new varieties of plants, support basic and cutting-edge research in breeding and research on applied technologies, encourage scientific and technological innovation and industrial application of grain crop seeds, support joint tackling of key problems in breeding, and cultivate excellent varieties with independent intellectual property rights. | | 国家加强植物新品种权保护,支持育种基础性、前沿性研究和应用技术研究,鼓励粮食作物种子科技创新和产业化应用,支持开展育种联合攻关,培育具有自主知识产权的优良品种。 |
Article 19 The people's governments at or above the provincial level shall establish a seed reserve system, mainly for the needs of grain production and the adjustment to surplus and shortage in the event of disasters. | | 第十九条 省级以上人民政府应当建立种子储备制度,主要用于发生灾害时的粮食生产需要及余缺调剂。 |
Article 20 The people's governments at or above the county level shall effectively coordinate the stable supply of agricultural production materials such as fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural films, guide grain producers to scientifically apply chemical fertilizers and pesticides, rationally use agricultural films, and increase the application of organic fertilizers. | | 第二十条 县级以上人民政府应当统筹做好肥料、农药、农用薄膜等农业生产资料稳定供应工作,引导粮食生产者科学施用化肥、农药,合理使用农用薄膜,增施有机肥料。 |
Article 21 The state shall strengthen the management of water resources and the construction of water conservancy infrastructure, optimize the allocation of water resources, and ensure the reasonable water demand of grain production. The people's governments at all levels shall organize the construction, operation and maintenance of farmland water conservancy, protect and improve farmland irrigation and drainage systems, and develop efficient water-saving agriculture according to local conditions. | | 第二十一条 国家加强水资源管理和水利基础设施建设,优化水资源配置,保障粮食生产合理用水需求。各级人民政府应当组织做好农田水利建设和运行维护,保护和完善农田灌溉排水体系,因地制宜发展高效节水农业。 |
The people's governments at or above the county level shall organize comprehensive governance of soil erosion, prevention and control of soil pollution and governance of groundwater overexploitation. | | 县级以上人民政府应当组织开展水土流失综合治理、土壤污染防治和地下水超采治理。 |
Article 22 The state shall promote the development of the agricultural machinery industry, strengthen the construction of the basic conditions for agricultural mechanization operation, promote and popularize the mechanization technology for grain production, encourage the use of green, intelligent and efficient agricultural machinery, promote the mechanization of the whole process of grain production, and improve the efficiency of grain production. | | 第二十二条 国家推进农业机械产业发展,加强农业机械化作业基础条件建设,推广普及粮食生产机械化技术,鼓励使用绿色、智能、高效的农业机械,促进粮食生产全程机械化,提高粮食生产效率。 |
Article 23 The state shall strengthen the construction of the agricultural technology popularization system, support the popularization and application of advanced and applicable grain production technologies, promote intercropping and other planting methods according to local conditions, encourage innovative methods of popularization, improve the service level of popularization of grain production technology, and promote the increase in the per unit area yield. | | 第二十三条 国家加强农业技术推广体系建设,支持推广应用先进适用的粮食生产技术,因地制宜推广间作套种等种植方法,鼓励创新推广方式,提高粮食生产技术推广服务水平,促进提高粮食单产。 |
The state shall encourage agricultural informatization, improve the informatization and intelligent level of grain production, and promote the development of smart agriculture. | | 国家鼓励农业信息化建设,提高粮食生产信息化、智能化水平,推进智慧农业发展。 |
Article 24 The state shall enhance its capacity for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief in grain production. The people's governments at or above the county level shall establish and improve monitoring and early warning systems for agricultural natural disasters and biological disasters, and the working mechanisms for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, strengthen research on and application of prevention and control technologies for drought, flood, low temperature, high temperature, wind and hail, typhoons and other disasters, as well as work safety management, implement territorial responsibilities for disaster prevention and control, and strengthen the prevention and control of grain crop diseases and insect pests and plant quarantine. | | 第二十四条 国家加强粮食生产防灾减灾救灾能力建设。县级以上人民政府应当建立健全农业自然灾害和生物灾害监测预警体系、防灾减灾救灾工作机制,加强干旱、洪涝、低温、高温、风雹、台风等灾害防御防控技术研究应用和安全生产管理,落实灾害防治属地责任,加强粮食作物病虫害防治和植物检疫工作。 |
...... | | 国家鼓励和支持开展粮食作物病虫害绿色防控和统防统治。粮食生产者应当做好粮食作物病虫害防治工作,并对各级人民政府及有关部门组织开展的病虫害防治工作予以配合。 |
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