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Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (2021 Revision) [Effective]
中华人民共和国海上交通安全法(2021修订) [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 79) (第七十九号)

The Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, as revised and adopted at the 28th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2021, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on September 1, 2021. 中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议于2021年4月29日修订通过,现予公布,自2021年9月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
April 29, 2021 2021年4月29日
Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国海上交通安全法
(Adopted at the Second Session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on September 2, 1983; amended in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Twelve Laws Including the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on November 7, 2016; and revised at the 28th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on April 29, 2021) (1983年9月2日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过 根据2016年11月7日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国对外贸易法〉等十二部法律的决定》修正 2021年4月29日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议修订)
Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Vessels, Offshore Installations and Crews 第二章 船舶、海上设施和船员
Chapter III Maritime Traffic Conditions and Navigation Safeguards 第三章 海上交通条件和航行保障
Chapter IV Navigation, Berthing and Operations 第四章 航行、停泊、作业
Chapter V Safety of Maritime Passenger and Cargo Transportation 第五章 海上客货运输安全
Chapter VI Maritime Search and Rescue 第六章 海上搜寻救助
Chapter VII Investigation and Handling of Maritime Traffic Accidents 第七章 海上交通事故调查处理
Chapter VIII Supervision and Administration 第八章 监督管理
Chapter IX Legal Liability 第九章 法律责任
Chapter X Supplemental Provisions 第十章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is developed for the purposes of strengthening maritime traffic management, maintaining the maritime traffic order, ensuring the safety of life and property, and safeguarding the rights and interests of the state.   第一条 为了加强海上交通管理,维护海上交通秩序,保障生命财产安全,维护国家权益,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to the navigation, berthing, operations and other activities relevant to the maritime traffic safety in the sea areas within the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “China”).   第二条 在中华人民共和国管辖海域内从事航行、停泊、作业以及其他与海上交通安全相关的活动,适用本法。
Article 3 The state shall guarantee the use of sea for traffic in accordance with the law.   第三条 国家依法保障交通用海。
The maritime traffic safety work shall be completed under the principles of safety first, prevention first, convenient traffic, and legal management to ensure the safety, order, and smoothness of maritime traffic. 海上交通安全工作坚持安全第一、预防为主、便利通行、依法管理的原则,保障海上交通安全、有序、畅通。
Article 4 The transport department under the State Council shall be in charge of the maritime traffic safety work across the country.   第四条 国务院交通运输主管部门主管全国海上交通安全工作。
The maritime safety administration of the state shall be uniformly responsible for the supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety, and other maritime safety administrations at all levels shall, according to their functions and duties, be specifically responsible for the supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety within their jurisdictions. 国家海事管理机构统一负责海上交通安全监督管理工作,其他各级海事管理机构按照职责具体负责辖区内的海上交通安全监督管理工作。
Article 5 The people's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall support the maritime traffic safety work, strengthen the publicity and education of maritime traffic safety, and raise the awareness of maritime traffic safety in the whole society.   第五条 各级人民政府及有关部门应当支持海上交通安全工作,加强海上交通安全的宣传教育,提高全社会的海上交通安全意识。
Article 6 The state shall protect the labor safety and occupational health of crews in accordance with the law, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of crews.   第六条 国家依法保障船员的劳动安全和职业健康,维护船员的合法权益。
Article 7 Entities and individuals that carry out navigation, berthing, operations, and other maritime traffic-related activities of vessels and offshore installations shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations, rules, mandatory standards and technical specifications concerning maritime traffic safety; and be entitled to the right to navigation support and maritime rescue according to the law, and perform the obligations of maintaining maritime traffic safety and protecting the marine ecology and environment.   第七条 从事船舶、海上设施航行、停泊、作业以及其他与海上交通相关活动的单位、个人,应当遵守有关海上交通安全的法律、行政法规、规章以及强制性标准和技术规范;依法享有获得航海保障和海上救助的权利,承担维护海上交通安全和保护海洋生态环境的义务。
Article 8 The state shall encourage and support the application of advanced science and technology in maritime traffic safety, promote the modernization construction of maritime traffic safety, and improve the scientific and technological level of maritime traffic safety.   第八条 国家鼓励和支持先进科学技术在海上交通安全工作中的应用,促进海上交通安全现代化建设,提高海上交通安全科学技术水平。
Chapter II Vessels, Offshore Installations and Crews 

第二章 船舶、海上设施和船员

Article 9 Vessels of Chinese nationality, offshore installations and shipping containers installed in the waters within the jurisdictions of China, and major maritime equipment, parts and materials related to maritime traffic safety determined by the maritime safety administration of the state shall comply with the applicable laws and administrative regulations, rules, as well as the requirements of mandatory standards and technical specifications, pass the inspections of vessel survey institutions, and obtain the corresponding certificates and documents. The list of certificates and documents shall be developed and announced by the maritime safety administration of the state.   第九条 中国籍船舶、在中华人民共和国管辖海域设置的海上设施、船运集装箱,以及国家海事管理机构确定的关系海上交通安全的重要船用设备、部件和材料,应当符合有关法律、行政法规、规章以及强制性标准和技术规范的要求,经船舶检验机构检验合格,取得相应证书、文书。证书、文书的清单由国家海事管理机构制定并公布。
The formation of a vessel survey institution shall be subject to approval by the maritime safety administration of the state. The formation conditions and procedures for and the management of vessel survey institutions shall be governed by the laws and administrative regulations on vessel inspection. 设立船舶检验机构应当经国家海事管理机构许可。船舶检验机构设立条件、程序及其管理等依照有关船舶检验的法律、行政法规的规定执行。
Entities holding relevant certificates and documents shall use vessels, offshore installations, shipping containers, and important maritime equipment, parts and materials for the prescribed purposes, and conduct technical safety inspection on a regular basis in accordance with the law. 持有相关证书、文书的单位应当按照规定的用途使用船舶、海上设施、船运集装箱以及重要船用设备、部件和材料,并应当依法定期进行安全技术检验。
Article 10 A vessel may not navigate, berth, and carry out operations under the flag of China until it has applied to the maritime safety administration for vessel nationality registration and obtained a nationality certificate in accordance with the applicable laws and administrative regulations on vessel registration.   第十条 船舶依照有关船舶登记的法律、行政法规的规定向海事管理机构申请船舶国籍登记、取得国籍证书后,方可悬挂中华人民共和国国旗航行、停泊、作业。
Where a vessel of Chinese nationality is lost or scrapped, the vessel owner shall apply for cancellation of nationality registration within the time limit prescribed by the transport department under the State Council; and where a vessel owner fails to apply for cancellation of nationality registration within the prescribed time limit, the maritime safety administration may issue an announcement on proposed mandatory cancellation of nationality registration of vessels. Where a vessel owner fails to raise an objection within 60 days from the date of issuance of the announcement, the maritime safety administration may cancel the nationality registration of the vessel. 中国籍船舶灭失或者报废的,船舶所有人应当在国务院交通运输主管部门规定的期限内申请办理注销国籍登记;船舶所有人逾期不申请注销国籍登记的,海事管理机构可以发布关于拟强制注销船舶国籍登记的公告。船舶所有人自公告发布之日起六十日内未提出异议的,海事管理机构可以注销该船舶的国籍登记。
Article 11 The owner, operator or manager of a vessel of Chinese nationality shall establish and run a management system for safe operation and prevention and control of vessel pollution.   第十一条 中国籍船舶所有人、经营人或者管理人应当建立并运行安全营运和防治船舶污染管理体系。
The maritime safety administration shall issue a compliance certificate and a corresponding vessel safety management certificate, if the management system as prescribed in the preceding paragraph has passed the examination. 海事管理机构经对前款规定的管理体系审核合格的,发给符合证明和相应的船舶安全管理证书。
Article 12 The owner, operator or manager of a vessel of Chinese nationality sailing on international routes shall, according to the provisions of the transport department under the State Council, establish a vessel security system, develop security plan for vessels, be equipped with vessel security equipment according to the security plan for vessels, and carry out drills on a regular basis.   第十二条 中国籍国际航行船舶的所有人、经营人或者管理人应当依照国务院交通运输主管部门的规定建立船舶保安制度,制定船舶保安计划,并按照船舶保安计划配备船舶保安设备,定期开展演练。
Article 13 Chinese crew members and staff members working on offshore installations shall receive professional education and training on maritime traffic safety and corresponding positions.   第十三条 中国籍船员和海上设施上的工作人员应当接受海上交通安全以及相应岗位的专业教育、培训。
A Chinese crew member shall, according to the provisions of the laws and administrative regulations on the management of crews, apply to the maritime safety administration for a certificate of competency and obtain a health certificate. 中国籍船员应当依照有关船员管理的法律、行政法规的规定向海事管理机构申请取得船员适任证书,并取得健康证明。
A foreign crew member working on a vessel of Chinese nationality shall be governed by the laws and administrative regulations on the management of crews. 外国籍船员在中国籍船舶上工作的,按照有关船员管理的法律、行政法规的规定执行。
A crew member working on a vessel shall comply with the scope of the vessel, navigation area, and duties specified in his certificate of competency. 船员在船舶上工作,应当符合船员适任证书载明的船舶、航区、职务的范围。
Article 14 The owner, operator or manager of a vessel of Chinese nationality shall apply to the maritime safety administration for a maritime labor certificate for its international voyage vessel. To obtain a maritime labor certificate, a vessel shall meet the following conditions:   第十四条 中国籍船舶的所有人、经营人或者管理人应当为其国际航行船舶向海事管理机构申请取得海事劳工证书。船舶取得海事劳工证书应当符合下列条件:
(1) The owner, operator or manager shall recruit crew members in accordance with the law, enter into labor contracts or employment agreements with them, and appoint crew members that satisfy the requirements for the vessel. (一)所有人、经营人或者管理人依法招用船员,与其签订劳动合同或者就业协议,并为船舶配备符合要求的船员;
(2) The owner, operator or manager has ensured that the working environment, occupational health protection and safety protection, work and rest time, wages, living conditions, medical conditions, and social insurance, among others, of the crew on the vessel comply with the relevant provisions of the state. (二)所有人、经营人或者管理人已保障船员在船舶上的工作环境、职业健康保障和安全防护、工作和休息时间、工资报酬、生活条件、医疗条件、社会保险等符合国家有关规定;
(3) The owner, operator or manager has established a complaint filing and handling mechanism for the crew which satisfies the requirements. (三)所有人、经营人或者管理人已建立符合要求的船员投诉和处理机制;
(4) The owner, operator or manager has provided corresponding financial guarantee or purchased corresponding insurance for the expenses for repatriation of crew members and the expenses to be paid according to the law for injuries, illness or deaths of crew members during the period of employment on the vessel. (四)所有人、经营人或者管理人已就船员遣返费用以及在船就业期间发生伤害、疾病或者死亡依法应当支付的费用提供相应的财务担保或者投保相应的保险。
The maritime safety administration shall, upon consultation with the administrative department of human resources and social security, and according to their respective duties, examine whether the applicant and its vessel meet the conditions as prescribed in the preceding paragraph. Where the prescribed conditions are met upon examination, the maritime safety administration shall, within 10 working days from the date of acceptance of the application, issue a maritime labor certificate; and where the conditions are not met, the maritime safety administration shall notify the applicant and explain the reasons. 海事管理机构商人力资源社会保障行政部门,按照各自职责对申请人及其船舶是否符合前款规定条件进行审核。经审核符合规定条件的,海事管理机构应当自受理申请之日起十个工作日内颁发海事劳工证书;不符合规定条件的,海事管理机构应当告知申请人并说明理由。
The specific measures for the issuance of maritime labor certificates and for the supervision and inspection shall be developed and issued by the transport department under the State Council, in conjunction with the administrative department of human resources and social security under the State Council. 海事劳工证书颁发及监督检查的具体办法由国务院交通运输主管部门会同国务院人力资源社会保障行政部门制定并公布。
Article 15 The maritime safety administration shall, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and administrative regulations on the management of crews, manage entities' training for crews of seagoing vessels.   第十五条 海事管理机构依照有关船员管理的法律、行政法规的规定,对单位从事海船船员培训业务进行管理。
Article 16 The transport department under the State Council, and other relevant departments, and relevant local people's governments at or above the county level shall establish and improve the early warning and emergency response mechanisms for overseas emergencies of crews, and develop contingency plans for overseas emergencies of crews.   第十六条 国务院交通运输主管部门和其他有关部门、有关县级以上地方人民政府应当建立健全船员境外突发事件预警和应急处置机制,制定船员境外突发事件应急预案。
The emergency response of overseas emergencies of crews shall be in the charge of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government at the places where the entities dispatching crew members are located, and the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government at the places of crew members' permanent household residence shall provide cooperation. 船员境外突发事件应急处置由船员派出单位所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府负责,船员户籍所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府予以配合。
The embassies and consulates of China in foreign countries and relevant maritime safety administrations shall assist in handling overseas emergencies of crews. 中华人民共和国驻外国使馆、领馆和相关海事管理机构应当协助处置船员境外突发事件。
Article 17 The scope of vessels to which the provisions of Articles 9 to 12 and Article 14 of this Chapter apply shall be specified by the applicable laws and administrative regulations, or shall be drafted by the transport department under the State Council, and be announced after being reported to the State Council for approval.   第十七条 本章第九条至第十二条、第十四条规定适用的船舶范围由有关法律、行政法规具体规定,或者由国务院交通运输主管部门拟定并报国务院批准后公布。
Chapter III Maritime Traffic Conditions and Navigation Safeguards 

第三章 海上交通条件和航行保障

Article 18 The transport department under the State Council shall make overall plans for and manage maritime traffic resources, and promote the rational development and effective utilization of maritime traffic resources.   第十八条 国务院交通运输主管部门统筹规划和管理海上交通资源,促进海上交通资源的合理开发和有效利用。
The planning of maritime traffic resources shall comply with the national land space planning. 海上交通资源规划应当符合国土空间规划。
Article 19 The maritime safety administration shall, on the basis of the natural conditions of the sea areas, the maritime traffic conditions and the needs of maritime traffic safety management, demarcate, adjust and promptly announce the vessel alignment areas, vessel reporting areas, traffic control areas, restricted navigation areas, safe operation areas, roadsteads, and other maritime traffic functional areas.   第十九条 海事管理机构根据海域的自然状况、海上交通状况以及海上交通安全管理的需要,划定、调整并及时公布船舶定线区、船舶报告区、交通管制区、禁航区、安全作业区和港外锚地等海上交通功能区域。
To demarcate or adjust vessel alignment areas, roadsteads, and safe operation areas that affect other maritime functional areas or sea-use activities, the maritime safety administration shall seek the opinions of relevant departments such as fishery, ecology and environment, and natural resources. To demarcate or adjust restricted navigation zones for military purposes, the military authorities in charge of demarcating and adjusting restricted navigation zones shall make a decision, and the maritime safety administration shall make an announcement. 海事管理机构划定或者调整船舶定线区、港外锚地以及对其他海洋功能区域或者用海活动造成影响的安全作业区,应当征求渔业渔政、生态环境、自然资源等有关部门的意见。为了军事需要划定、调整禁航区的,由负责划定、调整禁航区的军事机关作出决定,海事管理机构予以公布。
Article 20 Where the construction of a maritime or coastal project affects maritime traffic safety, facilities and equipment for preventing collisions of vessels shall be provided according to the situation, and special aids to navigation shall be set.   第二十条 建设海洋工程、海岸工程影响海上交通安全的,应当根据情况配备防止船舶碰撞的设施、设备并设置专用航标。
Article 21 The state shall establish and improve the vessel positioning, navigation, timing, communication, remote monitoring and other maritime traffic support service systems to provide information services for vessels and offshore installations.   第二十一条 国家建立完善船舶定位、导航、授时、通信和远程监测等海上交通支持服务系统,为船舶、海上设施提供信息服务。
Article 22 No entity or individual may damage any maritime traffic support service system or hinder its work efficiency. Where the construction of buildings and structures, or the use of facilities and equipment may affect the normal use of the maritime traffic support service system, the construction employer, owner or user thereof shall negotiate with the management entity of the relevant maritime traffic support service system to make appropriate arrangements.   第二十二条 任何单位、个人不得损坏海上交通支持服务系统或者妨碍其工作效能。建设建筑物、构筑物,使用设施设备可能影响海上交通支持服务系统正常使用的,建设单位、所有人或者使用人应当与相关海上交通支持服务系统的管理单位协商,作出妥善安排。
Article 23 The transport department under the State Council shall take necessary measures to ensure the rational layout and effective coverage of radio communication facilities for maritime traffic safety, plan the construction layout and sites of maritime radio stations in its system (industry), and verify and issue standard radio station licenses and radio station identification codes of vessels.   第二十三条 国务院交通运输主管部门应当采取必要的措施,保障海上交通安全无线电通信设施的合理布局和有效覆盖,规划本系统(行业)海上无线电台(站)的建设布局和台址,核发船舶制式无线电台执照及电台识别码。
The transport department under the State Council shall organize the construction of the maritime radio monitoring system in its system (industry) and monitor its radio signals, and maintain the order of maritime radio waves in conjunction with the radio regulatory authority of the state. 国务院交通运输主管部门组织本系统(行业)的海上无线电监测系统建设并对其无线电信号实施监测,会同国家无线电管理机构维护海上无线电波秩序。
Article 24 A vessel that needs to use shore-based radio stations to transfer communications in the sea areas within the jurisdiction of China shall conduct transfer through domestic coastal radio stations or satellite gateway stations established in accordance with the law.   第二十四条 船舶在中华人民共和国管辖海域内通信需要使用岸基无线电台(站)转接的,应当通过依法设置的境内海岸无线电台(站)或者卫星关口站进行转接。
Crew members assuming radio communication tasks and staff members of shore-based radio stations shall comply with the maritime radio communication rules, and keep watch on and maintain smoothness of the maritime traffic safety communication channels, and shall not use the maritime traffic safety communication frequency to exchange contents irrelevant to maritime traffic safety. 承担无线电通信任务的船员和岸基无线电台(站)的工作人员应当遵守海上无线电通信规则,保持海上交通安全通信频道的值守和畅通,不得使用海上交通安全通信频率交流与海上交通安全无关的内容。
No entity or individual may use the radio station identification code in violation of the relevant provisions issued by the state to affect identification in maritime search and rescue. 任何单位、个人不得违反国家有关规定使用无线电台识别码,影响海上搜救的身份识别。
Article 25 Relevant entities of astronomy, meteorology, and ocean shall forecast, broadcast and provide information on nautical astronomy, universal time, maritime meteorology, ocean waves, ocean currents, tides, and ice conditions, among others, in a timely manner.   第二十五条 天文、气象、海洋等有关单位应当及时预报、播发和提供航海天文、世界时、海洋气象、海浪、海流、潮汐、冰情等信息。
Article 26 The transport department under the State Council shall unify the layout, construction and management of public aids to navigation. A construction employer, owner or operator of a maritime or coastal project that needs to install or remove special aids to navigation, move the position of special aids to navigation, or change the lights and power of the aids to navigation shall report to the maritime safety administration for approval. Where temporary aids to navigation need to be set, they shall be set at the setting points of aids to navigation determined by the maritime safety administration.   第二十六条 国务院交通运输主管部门统一布局、建设和管理公用航标。海洋工程、海岸工程的建设单位、所有人或者经营人需要设置、撤除专用航标,移动专用航标位置或者改变航标灯光、功率等的,应当报经海事管理机构同意。需要设置临时航标的,应当符合海事管理机构确定的航标设置点。
The departments of natural resources shall ensure the use of land, sea and island by navigation aid facilities and installations in accordance with the law, and handle the relevant formalities in accordance with the law. 自然资源主管部门依法保障航标设施和装置的用地、用海、用岛,并依法为其办理有关手续。
The construction, maintenance and preservation of aids to navigation shall satisfy the requirements of relevant mandatory standards and technical specifications. The maintenance entities of aids to navigation and owners of special aids to navigation shall inspect, maintain, and preserve the aids to navigation to ensure that the aids to navigation are in good condition. Where an aid to navigation is displaced, damaged or lost, the maintenance entity of aids to navigation or the owner of special aids to navigation shall restore it in a timely manner. 航标的建设、维护、保养应当符合有关强制性标准和技术规范的要求。航标维护单位和专用航标的所有人应当对航标进行巡查和维护保养,保证航标处于良好适用状态。航标发生位移、损坏、灭失的,航标维护单位或者专用航标的所有人应当及时予以恢复。
Article 27 Any entity or individual finding any of the following circumstances shall immediately report to the maritime safety administration; and where the duties of the channel management institution or special aids to navigation are involved, the maritime safety administration shall notify the channel management institution or owners of special aids to navigation in a timely manner:   第二十七条 任何单位、个人发现下列情形之一的,应当立即向海事管理机构报告;涉及航道管理机构职责或者专用航标的,海事管理机构应当及时通报航道管理机构或者专用航标的所有人:
(1) Aids to navigation or navigation facilities are displaced, damaged, or lost. (一)助航标志或者导航设施位移、损坏、灭失;
(2) There are sunken objects, floating objects, stranded objects or other obstructions that hinder the maritime traffic safety. (二)有妨碍海上交通安全的沉没物、漂浮物、搁浅物或者其他碍航物;
(3) Other abnormal conditions that hinder maritime traffic safety. (三)其他妨碍海上交通安全的异常情况。
Article 28 The maritime safety administration shall, on the basis of the needs of maritime traffic safety management, issue navigational warnings of urgent and dangerous situations, and issue navigational notices of other situations that affect the maritime traffic safety.   第二十八条 海事管理机构应当依据海上交通安全管理的需要,就具有紧迫性、危险性的情况发布航行警告,就其他影响海上交通安全的情况发布航行通告。
The maritime safety administration shall notify the naval navigation assurance department of navigational warnings, navigational notices, and the demarcation of and adjustment to vessel alignment areas, and provide relevant information in a timely manner. 海事管理机构应当将航行警告、航行通告,以及船舶定线区的划定、调整情况通报海军航海保证部门,并及时提供有关资料。
Article 29 The maritime safety administration shall broadcast maritime traffic safety information to vessels and offshore installations in a timely manner.   第二十九条 海事管理机构应当及时向船舶、海上设施播发海上交通安全信息。
When vessels and offshore installations are navigating, berthing, or carrying out operations in alignment areas, traffic control areas, or areas with dense navigable vessels, the maritime safety administration shall provide corresponding safety information services upon request. 船舶、海上设施在定线区、交通管制区或者通航船舶密集的区域航行、停泊、作业时,海事管理机构应当根据其请求提供相应的安全信息服务。
Article 30 The following vessels navigating, berthing or shifting berths in the pilotage zones demarcated by the transport department under the State Council shall apply to the pilotage institutions for pilotage:   第三十条 下列船舶在国务院交通运输主管部门划定的引航区内航行、停泊或者移泊的,应当向引航机构申请引航:
(1) Vessels of foreign nationality, excluding those can be exempted as prescribed by the transport department under the State Council after being reported to the State Council for approval. (一)外国籍船舶,但国务院交通运输主管部门经报国务院批准后规定可以免除的除外;
(2) Nuclear-powered vessels, vessels carrying radioactive materials, and ultra-large oil tankers. (二)核动力船舶、载运放射性物质的船舶、超大型油轮;
(3) Vessels carrying bulk liquefied gas and bulk hazardous chemicals that may endanger port safety. (三)可能危及港口安全的散装液化气船、散装危险化学品船;
(4) Vessels whose length, width, and height are close to the limits as prescribed in the navigation conditions of corresponding channels. (四)长、宽、高接近相应航道通航条件限值的船舶。
The specific standards for vessels in subparagraphs (3) and (4) of the preceding paragraph shall be developed and announced by the relevant maritime safety administration in light of the actual conditions of ports. 前款第三项、第四项船舶的具体标准,由有关海事管理机构根据港口实际情况制定并公布。
Where a vessel voluntarily applies for pilotage, the pilotage institution shall provide pilotage services. 船舶自愿申请引航的,引航机构应当提供引航服务。
Article 31 The pilotage institution shall designate pilots with corresponding capabilities and experience in a timely manner to provide pilotage services for vessels.   第三十一条 引航机构应当及时派遣具有相应能力、经验的引航员为船舶提供引航服务。
A pilot shall, as designated by the pilotage institution, embark on and disembark from the vessel piloted in the prescribed waters, and implement the vessel piloting tasks safely and cautiously. A vessel piloted shall be equipped with an embarking and disembarking device that comply with the provisions, and ensure the safety of the pilot during the period of embarking on and disembarking from the vessel and during piloting period on board. 引航员应当根据引航机构的指派,在规定的水域登离被引领船舶,安全谨慎地执行船舶引航任务。被引领船舶应当配备符合规定的登离装置,并保障引航员在登离船舶及在船上引航期间的安全。
When a pilot pilots a vessel, the master shall not be relieved of the responsibility of commanding and managing the vessel. 引航员引领船舶时,不解除船长指挥和管理船舶的责任。
Article 32 The transport department under the State Council shall, on the basis of the security threats faced by vessels, offshore installations and ports, determine and issue the security level in a timely manner. Vessels, offshore installations and ports shall adopt corresponding security measures on the basis of the security level.   第三十二条 国务院交通运输主管部门根据船舶、海上设施和港口面临的保安威胁情形,确定并及时发布保安等级。船舶、海上设施和港口应当根据保安等级采取相应的保安措施。
Chapter IV Navigation, Berthing and Operations 

第四章 航行、停泊、作业

Article 33 To navigate, berth, and carry out operations, a vessel shall hold a valid nationality certificate and other statutory certificates and documents, be equipped with navigational books and materials published in accordance with relevant provisions, fly the flag of the relevant country, region or organization, and indicate its name, identification number, port of registry, and load line mark.   第三十三条 船舶航行、停泊、作业,应当持有有效的船舶国籍证书及其他法定证书、文书,配备依照有关规定出版的航海图书资料,悬挂相关国家、地区或者组织的旗帜,标明船名、船舶识别号、船籍港、载重线标志。
A vessel shall satisfy the requirements for minimum safe manning and be manned with crew members who hold valid certificates of qualification. 船舶应当满足最低安全配员要求,配备持有合格有效证书的船员。
To berth or carry out operations, offshore installations shall hold statutory certificates and documents, and be manned with personnel who have mastered the professional skills of collision avoidance, signaling, communication, fire fighting, and lifesaving, among others. 海上设施停泊、作业,应当持有法定证书、文书,并按规定配备掌握避碰、信号、通信、消防、救生等专业技能的人员。
Article 34 A master shall inspect the vessel before sailing and confirm at the time of sailing the competency of the crew, the seaworthiness of the vessel, and the cargo worthiness, understand the weather and sea conditions, as well as the navigational notices, navigational warnings and other warning information issued by the maritime safety administration, and implement corresponding emergency measures, and shall not risk sailing.   第三十四条 船长应当在船舶开航前检查并在开航时确认船员适任、船舶适航、货物适载,并了解气象和海况信息以及海事管理机构发布的航行通告、航行警告及其他警示信息,落实相应的应急措施,不得冒险开航。
The owner, operator or manager of a vessel shall not instruct or force the crew to carry out operations at risk in violation of regulations. 船舶所有人、经营人或者管理人不得指使、强令船员违章冒险操作、作业。
Article 35 A vessel shall navigate, berth, and carry out operations within the navigation areas specified in its vessel inspection certificate.   第三十五条 船舶应当在其船舶检验证书载明的航区内航行、停泊、作业。
When navigating, berthing, and carrying out operations, a vessel shall comply with the relevant navigation rules, display signals and hang signs up in accordance with relevant provisions, and maintain sufficient surplus water depth. 船舶航行、停泊、作业时,应当遵守相关航行规则,按照有关规定显示信号、悬挂标志,保持足够的富余水深。
Article 36 A vessel shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, turn on its automatic identification, voyage data recording, remote identification and tracking, communication and other devices related to navigation safety, security, and pollution prevention while navigating, and continuously display and record them.   第三十六条 船舶在航行中应当按照有关规定开启船舶的自动识别、航行数据记录、远程识别和跟踪、通信等与航行安全、保安、防治污染相关的装置,并持续进行显示和记录。
No entity or individual may unpack, disassemble, initialize, or reset voyage data recording devices or read the information recorded by them, unless as otherwise prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. 任何单位、个人不得拆封、拆解、初始化、再设置航行数据记录装置或者读取其记录的信息,但法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
Article 37 A vessel shall be equipped with navigation logs, engine logs, radio logs and other navigational records, to comprehensively, truthfully and promptly record the operation of the vessel involving maritime traffic safety and important events in the course of navigation, berthing, and operations in accordance with relevant provisions, and keep the relevant record books appropriately.   第三十七条 船舶应当配备航海日志、轮机日志、无线电记录簿等航行记录,按照有关规定全面、真实、及时记录涉及海上交通安全的船舶操作以及船舶航行、停泊、作业中的重要事件,并妥善保管相关记录簿。
Article 38 A master shall be responsible for the management and command of the vessel. A master shall have the right to make independent decisions on the protection of life safety at sea, vessel security, and prevention and control of vessel pollution.   第三十八条 船长负责管理和指挥船舶。在保障海上生命安全、船舶保安和防治船舶污染方面,船长有权独立作出决定。
A master shall take necessary measures to protect the safety of vessel, personnel on board, navigation documents of the vessel, cargo and other property. Orders issued by a master within the scope of his functions shall be implemented by the crew, passengers and other persons on board. 船长应当采取必要的措施,保护船舶、在船人员、船舶航行文件、货物以及其他财产的安全。船长在其职权范围内发布的命令,船员、乘客及其他在船人员应当执行。
Article 39 To protect the safety of a vessel and personnel on board, the master shall have the right to impose confinement or other necessary restrictive measures upon persons suspected of carrying out illegal and criminal activities on board within the scope of his functions, and prevent them from hiding, destroying, and falsifying evidence.   第三十九条 为了保障船舶和在船人员的安全,船长有权在职责范围内对涉嫌在船上进行违法犯罪活动的人员采取禁闭或者其他必要的限制措施,并防止其隐匿、毁灭、伪造证据。
To adopt the measures as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the master shall prepare a case report to which two or more persons on board shall affix signatures. After a vessel of Chinese nationality arrives at a port in China, the relevant persons against whom the aforesaid measures are taken shall be transferred to the relevant competent department in a timely manner. 船长采取前款措施,应当制作案情报告书,由其和两名以上在船人员签字。中国籍船舶抵达我国港口后,应当及时将相关人员移送有关主管部门。
Article 40 Where a person on board suffers or is suspected of suffering from an infectious disease that seriously threatens the health of others, the master shall immediately launch the corresponding contingency plan, take necessary isolation measures against the relevant persons within the scope of his functions, and report to the relevant competent department in a timely manner.   第四十条 发现在船人员患有或者疑似患有严重威胁他人健康的传染病的,船长应当立即启动相应的应急预案,在职责范围内对相关人员采取必要的隔离措施,并及时报告有关主管部门。
Article 41 Where a master dies during the voyage or is unable to perform duties for some reasons, the person with the highest position among the officers shall temporarily serve as the master; and before sailing from the next port, the owner, operator or manager of the vessel shall appoint a new master.   第四十一条 船长在航行中死亡或者因故不能履行职责的,应当由驾驶员中职务最高的人代理船长职务;船舶在下一个港口开航前,其所有人、经营人或者管理人应当指派新船长接任。
Article 42 Crew members shall, in accordance with the relevant rules, regulations and operating procedures for navigation and watch-keeping, as well as the master's orders, operate and manage a vessel, and ensure safe performance of watch-keeping duties, and shall not be absent without leave. Crew members shall not ingest food, medicine or other articles that may affect watch-keeping safety before and during the period of performing watch-keeping duties on board.   第四十二条 船员应当按照有关航行、值班的规章制度和操作规程以及船长的指令操纵、管理船舶,保持安全值班,不得擅离职守。船员履行在船值班职责前和值班期间,不得摄入可能影响安全值班的食品、药品或者其他物品。
Article 43 A vessel entering and exiting ports or anchorages, or passing through waters of the bridge area, straits, narrow channels, important fishery waters, areas with dense navigable vessels, vessel alignment areas, and traffic control areas shall strengthen look-out and maintain safe speed, and comply with the special navigation rules of the aforesaid areas.   第四十三条 船舶进出港口、锚地或者通过桥区水域、海峡、狭水道、重要渔业水域、通航船舶密集的区域、船舶定线区、交通管制区,应当加强瞭望、保持安全航速,并遵守前述区域的特殊航行规则。
The important fishery waters as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be demarcated and announced by the fishery administration under the State Council after soliciting opinions from the transport department under the State Council. 前款所称重要渔业水域由国务院渔业渔政主管部门征求国务院交通运输主管部门意见后划定并公布。
A vessel crossing the channel shall neither hinder the normal navigation of vessels in the channel, nor rush over the bow of any other vessel. A vessel exceeding the navigable scale of a bridge shall be prohibited from entering the waters of the bridge area. 船舶穿越航道不得妨碍航道内船舶的正常航行,不得抢越他船船艏。超过桥梁通航尺度的船舶禁止进入桥区水域。
Article 44 A vessel shall not enter or pass through the restricted navigation zone in violation of provisions.   第四十四条 船舶不得违反规定进入或者穿越禁航区。
...... 船舶进出船舶报告区,应当向海事管理机构报告船位和动态信息。

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