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Order of the President of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国主席令 |
(No. 42) | | (第四十二号) |
The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Exploration and Development of Resources in Deep Seabed Areas, as adopted at the 19th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on February 26, 2016, is hereby issued and shall come into force on May 1, 2016. | | 《中华人民共和国深海海底区域资源勘探开发法》已由中华人民共和国第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十九次会议于2016年2月26日通过,现予公布,自2016年5月1日起施行。 |
President of the People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping | | 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 |
February 26, 2016 | | 2016年2月26日 |
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Exploration and Development of Resources in Deep Seabed Areas | | 中华人民共和国深海海底区域资源勘探开发法 |
(Adopted at the 19th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on February 26, 2016) | | (2016年2月26日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十九次会议通过) |
Table of Contents | | 目录 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Chapter II Exploration and Development | | 第二章 勘探、开发 |
Chapter III Environmental Protection | | 第三章 环境保护 |
Chapter IV Scientific and Technological Research and Resource Investigation | | 第四章 科学技术研究与资源调查 |
Chapter V Supervision and Inspection | | 第五章 监督检查 |
Chapter VI Legal Liability | | 第六章 法律责任 |
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions | | 第七章 附则 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总则 |
Article 1 This Law is developed for purposes of regulating the exploration and development of resources in deep seabed areas, promoting deep sea scientific and technological research and resource investigation, protecting the marine environment, promoting the sustainable utilization of resources in deep seabed areas, and protecting the common interests of mankind. | | 第一条 为了规范深海海底区域资源勘探、开发活动,推进深海科学技术研究、资源调查,保护海洋环境,促进深海海底区域资源可持续利用,维护人类共同利益,制定本法。 |
Article 2 This Law shall apply to the exploration and development of resources in deep seabed areas, the relevant environmental protection, scientific and technological research, and resource investigation activities conducted by citizens, legal persons or other organizations of the People's Republic of China. | | 第二条 中华人民共和国的公民、法人或者其他组织从事深海海底区域资源勘探、开发和相关环境保护、科学技术研究、资源调查活动,适用本法。 |
For the purpose of this Law, “deep seabed areas” means seabed, ocean floor and their subsoil outside the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China and other countries. | | 本法所称深海海底区域,是指中华人民共和国和其他国家管辖范围以外的海床、洋底及其底土。 |
Article 3 The exploration and development of resources in deep seabed areas shall be conducted under the principles of peaceful utilization, cooperation and sharing, environmental protection and protection of the common interests of mankind. | | 第三条 深海海底区域资源勘探、开发活动应当坚持和平利用、合作共享、保护环境、维护人类共同利益的原则。 |
The state shall protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons or other organizations of the People's Republic of China that conduct the exploration, development and investigation of resources in deep seabed areas. | | 国家保护从事深海海底区域资源勘探、开发和资源调查活动的中华人民共和国公民、法人或者其他组织的正当权益。 |
Article 4 The state will make plans on the exploration and development of resources in deep seabed areas, and adopt economic and technical policies and measures to encourage deep sea scientific and technological research and resource investigation and enhance the capability of resource exploration and development and the protection of the marine environment. | | 第四条 国家制定有关深海海底区域资源勘探、开发规划,并采取经济、技术政策和措施,鼓励深海科学技术研究和资源调查,提升资源勘探、开发和海洋环境保护的能力。 |
Article 5 The oceanic administration of the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the exploration, development and investigation of resources in deep seabed areas. Other relevant departments of the State Council shall be responsible for the relevant administration according to the functions prescribed by the State Council. | | 第五条 国务院海洋主管部门负责对深海海底区域资源勘探、开发和资源调查活动的监督管理。国务院其他有关部门按照国务院规定的职责负责相关管理工作。 |
Article 6 The state encourages and supports international cooperation in terms of the exploration and development of resources in deep seabed areas, the relevant environmental protection, resource investigation, scientific and technological research, education and training, among others. | | 第六条 国家鼓励和支持在深海海底区域资源勘探、开发和相关环境保护、资源调查、科学技术研究和教育培训等方面,开展国际合作。 |
Chapter II Exploration and Development | | 第二章 勘探、开发 |
Article 7 A citizen, legal person or any other organization of the People's Republic of China shall, before applying to the International Seabed Authority for the exploration and development of resources in deep seabed areas, file an application with the oceanic administration of the State Council, and submit the following materials: | | 第七条 中华人民共和国的公民、法人或者其他组织在向国际海底管理局申请从事深海海底区域资源勘探、开发活动前,应当向国务院海洋主管部门提出申请,并提交下列材料: |
(1) Basic information on the applicant. | | (一)申请者基本情况; |
(2) An explanation on the location and area of the region that the applicant intends to explore and develop, and categories of minerals. | | (二)拟勘探、开发区域位置、面积、矿产种类等说明; |
(3) Certificates of financial status and investment ability, and an explanation on technical capability. | | (三)财务状况、投资能力证明和技术能力说明; |
(4) An exploration and development plan, including the materials on the possible impact of exploration and development activities on the marine environment, and an emergency response plan for serious damage to the marine environment, among others. | | (四)勘探、开发工作计划,包括勘探、开发活动可能对海洋环境造成影响的相关资料,海洋环境严重损害等的应急预案; |
(5) Other materials required by the oceanic administration of the State Council. | | (五)国务院海洋主管部门规定的其他材料。 |
Article 8 The oceanic administration of the State Council shall examine the materials submitted by the applicant. If the application is in national interest and the applicant has funds, technologies, equipment and other capabilities and conditions, the oceanic administration shall grant a license to the applicant within 60 working days, and issue the relevant documents to the applicant. | | 第八条 国务院海洋主管部门应当对申请者提交的材料进行审查,对于符合国家利益并具备资金、技术、装备等能力条件的,应当在六十个工作日内予以许可,并出具相关文件。 |
The applicant that obtains the license cannot conduct exploration and development activities until it has entered into an exploration and development contract with the International Seabed Authority and become the contractor. | | 获得许可的申请者在与国际海底管理局签订勘探、开发合同成为承包者后,方可从事勘探、开发活动。 |
The contractor shall submit the duplicate of the exploration and development contract to the oceanic administration of the State Council for recordation within 30 days as of the conclusion of the contract. | | 承包者应当自勘探、开发合同签订之日起三十日内,将合同副本报国务院海洋主管部门备案。 |
The oceanic administration of the State Council shall notify the information on the contractor, the location and area of the region explored and developed by the contractor and other information to the relevant authority. | | 国务院海洋主管部门应当将承包者及其勘探、开发的区域位置、面积等信息通报有关机关。 |
Article 9 A contractor shall enjoy corresponding exclusive rights to explore and develop specific resources within the region specified in the exploration and development contract. | | 第九条 承包者对勘探、开发合同区域内特定资源享有相应的专属勘探、开发权。 |
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